How Project 2025 Could Change Medicare....

Fascism is deplorable

Racism is deplorable

Sexism is deplorable

Homophobia is deplorable

Leading a coup against a free and fair election, is deplorable

While not all Trump voters fit those categories. Many do. Especially the hardcore Trumpism Cult.

There is a fringe group that are just holdover Republicans who cant ever imagine voting for a Democrat. And a group that just hated Biden and worried about the many issues he presented.

But the majority have some type of "hot button" social issue, which either involves hating another group of human beings, or imposing their religious doctrine on others... and that religious doctrine often involves hating other groups of human beings.
You left off Racist
& Misogyny.
And Russia and China

I don't believe Kamala has the chops to run our Country. Maybe less than Biden between 10 and 4.

Biden does not anymore.

Trump does. As much as it pains me to say it.

I blame the DNC as much as anyone.

As much as it pissed off the RNC, the people choose Trump.

The DNC choose Old Joe. And Democrats did as they were told, Mostly. Some left the Party out right. Some just decided to sit it out.

Me, I waited and watched. Then I realized that the Ds are owned by the DNC. End of democracy.

The Lawfare was the last Banana Republic domino for me.

The deepest Sleepy could reach into the talent pool was Kamala Harris?

Not happy about joining all the people that thought they would never vote for Trump that are now Team Trump.

Biden Harris top Trump recruiters.

That nimrod said today that he is the first President with no Wars. This same turnip said that no military has died as him as Commander In Chief.

Welp time for me to find some music. I have never been to Memphis or Nashville.
Thinking first Memphis for a short week. Museums during the day, food and Blues at night. I got to see what Tennessee clients I have.
I don' think he's going to win. He is the past. Harris is the future. He would have beaten Joe.

I don't like the govt. enrolling anyone on Medicare.... as far as a med-supp vs. a MAPD.

her just start at 1:15 and please tell with a strait face this is the future and your not afraid, that you would even feel comfortable with her even being your child's elementary school teacher

I stopped reading this thread after the first page. I'm embarrassed for some on this forum. The copium is super high. It is evident some have received the talking points and will use them regardless of actual facts.

Carry on.
I stopped reading this thread after the first page. I'm embarrassed for some on this forum. The copium is super high. It is evident some have received the talking points and will use them regardless of actual facts.

Carry on.
I guess nobody cares that 65 year-olds will be auto-enrolled. I mean if you're in the senior market this could be an issue.
Please don't, I have tried to delete that entire year from my memory.
Lying to the American people. Just like he lies about anything that would make him look bad. If he handled covid right he would have been reelected. He blew it.

Ahhh yes, because on Feb. 26, 2020, everybody was fully aware of what COVID was and what it was going to do. As I said, I'm embarrassed for some of you.
I'm embarrassed for you too.