How Project 2025 Could Change Medicare....

Typical demonic Dem.


Read it and weep. A "real Republican." LOL.
I see. So some punk ass donates $20 a few years ago to some cause and that immediately makes him a government funded, expert CIA assassin. Riiiiiiight!!!! And the SS, state and local police were all in on it too. And covid is just an alien dna infection cured by ingesting bleach.
I see. So some punk ass donates $20 a few years ago to some cause and that immediately makes him a government funded, expert CIA assassin. Riiiiiiight!!!! And the SS, state and local police were all in on it too. And covid is just an alien dna infection cured by ingesting bleach.
Yea, I don't believe I mentioned anything about all that other stuff. That's called a "Straw Man Fallacy." (Look it up).

By your own logic, then the same applies to your argument and him registering to vote as a Republican, without actually voting, also does not make him a real Republican.

I'd argue the man actually donating money to Democrats is FAR more a Democrat than a Republican, since no action he did ACTUALLY has him supporting Republicans.

He never voted Republican and he also, Oh, I don't know.....F**KING SHOT at a Republican, while simultaneously monetarily supporting Democrats.

Seems to me, and anyone else with an IQ over room temperature, that this goof was pretty anti-Republican.

But I know deductive reasoning isn't your strong suit.
The thread was about Trumps Project 2025 and T65’s being auto-enrolled in an MAPD plan. The MAGA base on here about having possible commissions taken away from them….crickets.

Am I surprised? Nope:arghh::arghh::arghh::arghh::arghh:

Their response…it’s not Trumps Project 2025.