If Money or Family Was No Issue...

Something I have noticed, racism is generally applied to people and not persons. My grandfather made a living working a debit route in the bad parts of town. I believe his clients were almost exclusively black. He respected them and wouldn't tolerate his children being disrespectful of black people. But when he retired and stopped looking at individuals and started looking at a group, some racism came out.

By and large, it is very hard to hate the person in front of you, but easy to hate the faceless group at a distance.

I came to the realization many years ago that I am one of the most prejudiced folks on earth. However, race has nothing to do with it. It's all about attitude. I've coined a term for myself. I am a "culturalist". I don't care about someone's race; I care about their culture. I believe this is closer to what your grandfather experienced. I could be wrong.
I came to the realization many years ago that I am one of the most prejudiced folks on earth. However, race has nothing to do with it. It's all about attitude. I've coined a term for myself. I am a "culturalist". I don't care about someone's race; I care about their culture. I believe this is closer to what your grandfather experienced. I could be wrong.

I like that. I am an equal opportunity hater myself.
I came to the realization many years ago that I am one of the most prejudiced folks on earth. However, race has nothing to do with it. It's all about attitude. I've coined a term for myself. I am a "culturalist". I don't care about someone's race; I care about their culture. I believe this is closer to what your grandfather experienced. I could be wrong.

Could be. I know I am more concerned with a person's character than their skin color, language, religion, etc. Now looks do matter, but as a reflection of character. I hate slobs, it shows they don't care about themselves or others in my opinion.
Could be. I know I am more concerned with a person's character than their skin color, language, religion, etc. Now looks do matter, but as a reflection of character. I hate slobs, it shows they don't care about themselves or others in my opinion.

Wrong. I've seen slobs that have the utmost compassion for others.
Wow this thread started off interesting, then it went on a big detour!! Allow me to attempt to right the path gradually...

I have a client that I visited the other day to upgrade her coverages (single black woman), she said she'd recently retired from several years as a manager at Arbys..they'd closed her store. They had offered her management of another store downtown ATL on Spring St....she rolled her eyes, "ohhh lawdy...I was insulted! SPRING STEET?!?! With all those --p-pp-people out there robbing and stabbing each other! No thanks" ( she stumbled for a second on 'people'...I knew what she wanted to say...)
So, whadda ya know, a black culterist! lol :cool:

ATL has alot of 'high society' blacks, and I gotta tell you, if they weren't black, you'd think they were racists...they H A T E the gettho crowd.

What state would you pick to be a final expense agent in? If you could move anywhere. And what reasons would you move there?

The answer to this question is easily illustrated on this map:

CensusScope -- Demographic Maps: An Aging Population

The people are in fact the same....you'd just want shorter drives between them, to increase the # of presentations w/in a given time....mid-west, and certian other pockets, for example some areas of Florida...just crawling with them....seniors I mean...
Wow this thread started off interesting, then it went on a big detour!! Allow me to attempt to right the path gradually...

I have a client that I visited the other day to upgrade her coverages (single black woman), she said she'd recently retired from several years as a manager at Arbys..they'd closed her store. They had offered her management of another store downtown ATL on Spring St....she rolled her eyes, "ohhh lawdy...I was insulted! SPRING STEET?!?! With all those --p-pp-people out there robbing and stabbing each other! No thanks" ( she stumbled for a second on 'people'...I knew what she wanted to say...)
So, whadda ya know, a black culterist! lol :cool:

ATL has alot of 'high society' blacks, and I gotta tell you, if they weren't black, you'd think they were racists...they H A T E the gettho crowd.

The answer to this question is easily illustrated on this map:

CensusScope -- Demographic Maps: An Aging Population

The people are in fact the same....you'd just want shorter drives between them, to increase the # of presentations w/in a given time....mid-west, and certian other pockets, for example some areas of Florida...just crawling with them....seniors I mean...

I don't believe that is just limited to Atlanta. I noticed the same during my time in college, among the tourists to the Smokies and here in Memphis as well.

But really, aren't whites the same or any race? I don't think many whites hold "Bubba" up as an example of a fine white man. Don't most whites look down on rednecks, at least those that aren't a redneck?
But really, aren't whites the same or any race? I don't think many whites hold "Bubba" up as an example of a fine white man. Don't most whites look down on rednecks, at least those that aren't a redneck?

Live from Atlanta, home of what has been called the highest concentration of successful blacks in the country....some observations...

whites do a bit of looking down and embarrased by the 'honey-bo-bo' crowd...

but it's a bit different with the higher society blacks...it's almost a deep hatred...see, they have found success, they found it through education and hard work and delayed gratification...so the gettho black philosophy of 'ya can't make it in the white mans world, don't get "A"s in school because folks will think you're acting white, keepin it real' etc....they have a passionate, almost hatred, for that attitude, because they feel that although they themselves have found some success, they feel like the gettho mentality is the only thing holding their race down, and thus actually potentially limiting their own success via perceptions of the white man against blacks in general.
So, as a white man, I don't feel held back by Honey-Bo-Bo or other rednecks...but if I were an educated sucessful black man, I might feel upset at the 'gettho' culture, because I would feel that those perceptions carry over to myself and limit my success, after I've spent so much time and hard work into developing myself.

typical example, a black bum/wino on the street panhandles for money...the white person feels uncomforatable and embarrased and either gives some money or politely declines and hurries away....
but a black man in a business suit? I've seen them pull their arm up as if they were going to backhand the panhandler "Get the F*** out of my face mother-fer" -- because he KNOWS what it was like, he LIVED it, and he OVERCAME it, and so he knows this guy is just a lazy cracked out bum....so, the black man is not afflicted with white guilt, lol...he has the freedom to visciously hate it.

The redneck culture isn't so much lazy as it is 'dumb'.

The "gettho culture" is both lazy and dumb "I'm going to be in the NBA, until then I'll sling rock" and that's about it...and to successful blacks, they get very upset to their core, because the bums/getto crowd are using their race as an excuse, which by default carries over to the successful ones...and they hate it.

A slight segway to that is blacks who are gay...they find much less acceptance by their race then gay whites...black men don't like it because of the macho thing...but black women - in general - really don't like the concept of black men who are gay, because they feel it is reducing the supply of viable mates, and when so many other 'otherwise viable' black men are locked up in jail, and honestly alot of black men will be attracted to white women...it actually scews the ratios so that legit black men have ample supply of black women they can pick and choose and play games, while the black women have a much reduced supply of men to choose from...so when they see a good looking, well groomed black man with a job and money, and find out he's gay...$#(! they don't like that at all...similar when they see a good looking black man with a white woman...but not as bad, because at least he's into women.

Just some general observations from the New South...

And as to the North? On the surface, to an outsider, it may seem as though they racial issues are not as prevelent...but that's only because they've sectioned off parts of towns and burrows for themselves, for example New York is very self-segregated....as long as the asians stay on their side, the blacks over there, the irish over there, the polocks over there, then everything is fine...but you've got to look deeper into what made them self-segregate...
bottom line, it's all about 'culture'...and to many folks, living in a 'multi-culteral' environment is not as preferable to living around ones own. New York may not have as much overt racisim as the south...but they sure know how to pick the neighborhood they live in... :twitchy:
Live from Atlanta, home of what has been called the highest concentration of successful blacks in the country....some observations...

whites do a bit of looking down and embarrased by the 'honey-bo-bo' crowd...

but it's a bit different with the higher society blacks...it's almost a deep hatred...see, they have found success, they found it through education and hard work and delayed gratification...so the gettho black philosophy of 'ya can't make it in the white mans world, don't get "A"s in school because folks will think you're acting white, keepin it real' etc....they have a passionate, almost hatred, for that attitude, because they feel that although they themselves have found some success, they feel like the gettho mentality is the only thing holding their race down, and thus actually potentially limiting their own success via perceptions of the white man against blacks in general.
So, as a white man, I don't feel held back by Honey-Bo-Bo or other rednecks...but if I were an educated sucessful black man, I might feel upset at the 'gettho' culture, because I would feel that those perceptions carry over to myself and limit my success, after I've spent so much time and hard work into developing myself.

typical example, a black bum/wino on the street panhandles for money...the white person feels uncomforatable and embarrased and either gives some money or politely declines and hurries away....
but a black man in a business suit? I've seen them pull their arm up as if they were going to backhand the panhandler "Get the F*** out of my face mother-fer" -- because he KNOWS what it was like, he LIVED it, and he OVERCAME it, and so he knows this guy is just a lazy cracked out bum....so, the black man is not afflicted with white guilt, lol...he has the freedom to visciously hate it.

The redneck culture isn't so much lazy as it is 'dumb'.

The "gettho culture" is both lazy and dumb "I'm going to be in the NBA, until then I'll sling rock" and that's about it...and to successful blacks, they get very upset to their core, because the bums/getto crowd are using their race as an excuse, which by default carries over to the successful ones...and they hate it.

A slight segway to that is blacks who are gay...they find much less acceptance by their race then gay whites...black men don't like it because of the macho thing...but black women - in general - really don't like the concept of black men who are gay, because they feel it is reducing the supply of viable mates, and when so many other 'otherwise viable' black men are locked up in jail, and honestly alot of black men will be attracted to white women...it actually scews the ratios so that legit black men have ample supply of black women they can pick and choose and play games, while the black women have a much reduced supply of men to choose from...so when they see a good looking, well groomed black man with a job and money, and find out he's gay...$#(! they don't like that at all...similar when they see a good looking black man with a white woman...but not as bad, because at least he's into women.

Just some general observations from the New South...

And as to the North? On the surface, to an outsider, it may seem as though they racial issues are not as prevelent...but that's only because they've sectioned off parts of towns and burrows for themselves, for example New York is very self-segregated....as long as the asians stay on their side, the blacks over there, the irish over there, the polocks over there, then everything is fine...but you've got to look deeper into what made them self-segregate...
bottom line, it's all about 'culture'...and to many folks, living in a 'multi-culteral' environment is not as preferable to living around ones own. New York may not have as much overt racisim as the south...but they sure know how to pick the neighborhood they live in... :twitchy:

TMI dude Too Much Information...
Here is an interesting page from the Census Bureau..

Segregation Scores: ACS 2005-9

Click on the link that says Black-White Segregation Indices for States.

A score of 0 means complete integration and a score of 100 means complete segregation: The states are ranked with the most segregated states at the top. NY is the most segregated State in the nation.. What is really surprising is "liberal" thinking California (#20) is more segregated than "racist" Georgia. (#41).

If you look at the cities LA is far more segregated at #11 than Atlanta at #44..
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