My Leads Suck??

GEICO buying doubt in large numbers. I bet that gives them two benefits. One: the sales. Two: demand for leads drives up lead price, which means smaller players don't buy as many and don't make as much.

I joined List Shack Pro and ran a T65 October in states AZ, CO, SC.

Total leads:
List Shack 1,420
Sales Data Pro 153

So far so good :)

Thanks, everyone.

Oh and Warrior thank you, I know I need to do this myself and have actually started doing it this week.

So whats the results as far as quality in data, Are you getting more leads out of your telemarketer using list shack?
I currently use Xencall and leads/numbers from SalesData Pro. I've hired and fired multiple telemarketers from the Phillippines with less than stellar results; way less than 1 lead per hour, it's more like 1-2 leads per eight hours.

Almost every one of these telemarketers has said that they think the leads aren't very good and of course, they will say that if they feel they aren't performing, but to hear this from at least 7 different girls?

Is there better data than SalesData Pro?

I like SalesData Pro because $50 for 200,000 names goes a LOOOONG way but if there are better lists out there...

Thanks in advance.
You get what you pay for! I have spent more money in hourly on cheap data. Sometime it pays to have better quality data and less in hourly.