NAA- Zero to 100Million in 4 years- WOW

supergirl said:
Hey John,

I was wondering if you used the same script cold calling as you did walking and talking. If not, what do you say differently. Also you swore by walkin and talkin, do you get a larger response cold calling?

Script is almost the same:

"I'm John Petrowski with the Health Solutions Agency. I'm calling to let you know about new health insurance plans that are available through United Healthcare, Aetna, and Time Insurance. Do you have your own plan or group?"

Take it from there.
dvd493 said:

You remember my other post for when I was an agent two other times and went broke fast. One of those times I tried health. It took a long time to get paid. The rates went up all the time so my customers had to try a different plan almost every year or two. I had an incredibly difficult time trying to sell health.

I don't know how anybody can be a success in it. Obviously, you are but I never had the hang of it. Mortgage Protection seems so easy it's almost a slam dunk for me.

You don't know how anyone can be successful selling a product that everyone knows they need, everyone uses and everyone understands? I can't believe I get paid what I get paid to sell health. If I'm lucky I put in a good 20 hours a week on new business. It's arguably the only product you can market for next to nothing: B to B, doorhangers and cold calling. No other product pulls that kind of response.
Oh oh, now you're after some of my hidden treasures. Yes, unlimited small business listings that you can customize anyway you want for $9.95 per month. I can spend a day calling all the beauty salons in Michigan and the next day calling all the mortgage brokers in Virginia. You'll have to call me to get that info - won't post it on the board. Don't need the competition. Go to "find businesses" and you are done. You can tweak your settings to display 50 results on a page. Now just cut and paste onto a word doc, or call direct from google. The nice part about calling from google is that you can check with no effort to see if they have a website. I do that as I call, and I can look up some general info about the company if they do.
That's a nice theory. In reality I can only call "micro businesses" which is under 10 employees. Actually, under 5 employees is what I'm looking for. I can't randomly call businesses without knowing their employee size since I'd just be hitting company group all day. Pure waste of time. As it stands now an overwhelming majority of micro businesses have company group. I'll looking for the 5% that have individual plans. I'm sure I could just call a regular listing and but sheer number of calls get some leads. But that would double or triple my calling time and I don't have that kind of time.

Also, for the $9.95 I get the owners name - which is invaluable to say "Is Kathy Hill in?" HUGE difference between that and "Is the owner available?" Then Kathy picks up the phone and says "who's calling?" I say "John Petrowski." She says "what's this regarding" and it's over. She says "Kathy's not in now."
If you were making money from the small group health side, it would not be a waste of your time. You may not want to right now, but you can hire someone for your agency to just do group health. Send them to IMC or benefit mall for some training, and just pass along the leads. When a group goes through, figure out a commission split.
Most micro businesses don't have a gatekeeper. Usually the owner answers and if not whoever does just puts me through.

Larger businesses have a gatekeeper:

Me: "Hi, is Rob Long in"

Gatekeeper: "I'm sorry he's busy, who's calling?"

And it goes downhill from there. He's not busy - he's in his office. The gatekeeper's job is only to let important calls through, so it's "Who are you" "Why are you calling" and "Is Mr. Long expecting your call?"

I don't have any time for it. And for $9.95 per month it's well worth it not to get Google lists and ask "is the owner in?" Most of the times the owner picks up the phone and says "no."
You do make a good point. It might be worth it just for the names. Still, I can tell you from my own experience, and I think Bob can agree from his, you can make plenty of money doing those google cold calls for group health. Especially when you are already up and running, and you can make a profit from almost any answer.