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Planning to File a False Insurance Claim

I don't agree with Red Blooded American's grammar or word choice, but he makes some extremely valid points.

People like you are dishonest and drag down society. You're on a variety of welfare and other programs and seem to think the world owes you something, but you can't even be bothered to drive with insurance so that if/when you damage someone else's property they'll be able to have money to go after. What if you hit some guy on his way to work at wal-mart and leave him injured for life? You don't think that guy should be able to go after the liability portion of your insurance before having to deal with disability and the like?

People like you are a disease this country is suffering from.
Alright, I'll take a swing. "Planning to File a False Insurance Claim" is the name of the thread and to my surprise that is actually what you're looking to do.

You may or may not be a criminal, but if you go through with your plan, you will definitely have committed a crime and therefore be a criminal.

This is insurance fraud.

Let me say this again, you are talking about committing insurance fraud.

Aside from the fact that you are planning on telling lies to steal money, here are some other problems.

The companies have the distinguished privilege of being able to say "prove it". If you think suing them scares them then you have no comprehension of what their legal departments look like. Do you have a police report? I'm going to guess no, but that would help. Even if you did, here is one problem you can't get away from: You can't wait 2-3 years to file a claim. That'll flatly deny it and you won't have a leg to stand on. Yes, it would be more expensive for them to defend it than to pay the claim, but as a matter of policy it's easier to say "we'll pay to fight BS claims to make it clear to liars and thieves that we won't pay them" and as a result of that policy they can avoid having to fight multiple claims which makes it cheaper for them to fight it again. Less we forget, it would be more expensive for you to file a claim against any of these people/businesses than you can probably afford, certainly more than the cost of the windshield.

Another problem you have is called a statute of limitations. In most states it's a year, sometimes as much as 2 or 3, but odds are you've passed it. By waiting this long you probably lost any "right" you have to sue them so it's even that much easier for them to tell you to go pound salt.

Also, the carriers probably are not going to care what your estimates are, especially if you go for the highest. They'll likely say either take it to a shop on this list or have the shop send us the bill. They aren't going to cut you a check for the highest amount and let you pocket the difference. The only way that will usually work is if they pick a middle of the road number and just cut you a check to have it fixed and you go to a place that is below the average cost to get it fixed, no way in hell they'll pay the highest estimate unless you actually present them with a receipt after actually paying that dollar amount.

Lastly, I'm impressed that you're so willing to openly display an utter lack of morals and explicit intent to commit insurance fraud which is a felony in some states. Just for filing one of the four claims you could be arrested, convicted, sentenced to jail and/or pay a fine. Let's not forget that if convicted you will lose your right to own a firearm and the right to vote. I suppose that if you are willing to commit fraud over a few dollars then perhaps the system would be working to levy that judgement against you, but wouldn't it make more sense to not commit a crime in the first place?

I appreciate your comments, and will consider purchasing the new windshield, especially since it is so inexpensive.

I did want to disagree with a few of your points though. First, the company that I am targeting is known just to pay a small claim to settle it. My mom used to work there and her co-worker told her what she had done. Needless to say, only certain big companies will do this. Regardless, if I have to go to court, I will, and just give the damaging truck's info (see the paragraph below). It's my word vs. theirs, but I have the description of the truck to by, and they are a dump truck or other big truck afterall, which do cause a lot of windshield cracks. That's the cost of having a big truck. I have nothing to lose except my filing fee.

Second, the statute of limitations would not be relevant in my case since I would just follow the right truck, say next week, carefully writing down the license plate, date, time, place, description, etc., and file the claim then with the company. I would pretend the truck just damaged my windshield and no one would actually inspect the windshield. Even if they did, so what? They still would have caused one of the four cracks and that does not relieve the company of liability for damaging my windshield. One crack still necessitates a windshield replacement just as four cracks do.They can't just divide the total by four. If I had done it right, I would have made a claim each time I had a crack, rather than all at once.

Third, for court, you only need to present one estimate. I learned this by watching The People's Court and Judge Wapner in the '80's. I am free to choose the highest estimate to present, go to the lowest estimator for the actual repair, and pocket the rest of the money. This is a legal strategy, and is how you recover your deductible, for example. They might request an original estimate from the garage, but then I would just use the next highest estimate for the second company.

BTW, for everyone, my original question still remains unanswered: will not being registered or insured affect my claim at all?
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I appreciate your comments, and will consider purchasing the new windshield, especially since it is so inexpensive.

That is a welcomed change of tone.

Second, the statute of limitations would not be relevant in my case since I would just follow the right truck, say next week, carefully writing down the license plate, date, time, place, description, etc., and file the claim then with the company. I would pretend the truck just damaged my windshield and no one would actually inspect the windshield.

The does work around the statute of limitations, but that is flat out insurance fraud and if by any chance they linked you to this post, you'd be in a pile of trouble.

Third, for court, you only need to present one estimate. I learned this by watching The People's Court and Judge Wapner in the '80's. I am free to choose the highest estimate to present, go to the lowest estimator for the actual repair, and pocket the rest of the money. This is a legal strategy, and is how you recover your deductible, for example. They might request an original estimate from the garage, but then I would just use the next highest estimate for the second company.

"The People's Court" is on TV and while some of it may seem real, how this plays out is very different (even ignoring the time difference). Insurance companies know that you're going to try to do that so they'll pay a certain dollar amount and let you pocket a few bucks OR they're going to want to see a paid receipt and reimburse you for it. They may even cut the check directly to the company that fixes it, but they know better than to let you get away with what you'd like to do (because people did get away with it for a while).

Let's go back to the "recover your deductible". That's insurance fraud. F R A U D. Usually a felony. F R A U D. Does what you're suggesting happen and happen every day? Sure, but it's still fraud. If you thinking committing a felony is a good idea as long as you can get away with it that's even more disappointing.

Glad to hear you're thinking about just getting it replaced. Depending on who you go with they can do that a lot cheaper than it used to be. I love the whole coming right to the house thing.
well, good luck. Hope your last name isn't the same as your mom's since she used to work there.

the other thing even though you use a screen name here, you have an internet address that can be traced if wanted and found.

Kind of a silly thing to do to post that you want to commit fraud. I have to think you're just pulling people's legs as if you are honestly that stupid to speak freely about an illegal act you are about to commit on a public forum where you can be traced back from just seems to stupid to be real. Are you really that stupid?
It's called trolling. It's posting something to get a rise out of people and their attention. Playing into their plans is called feeding the troll.

I'm feeding the troll just talking about it, but oh well. now you know!
Let me just point out that there are methods companies use to prevent paying this type of claim. Doesn't mean you won't get by with it once, maybe a stretch for a second time. After that, it will be flagged and won't happen a third time. Yes, you'll have to falsify a police report as well.

Also, insurance companies tend to write checks to the repair facility, not to the individual. If they write a check to you directly, they would write the check for 25% of the cost to replace the windshield at their shop (they have standard rates for these things, no estimates are needed), then once it's replaced, they might reimburse the remainder. Yes, this is done every day.

Or they might just patch the chip, pretty easily done and would meet the requirements, if they were responsible for the damage.

That said, I assume you are just having some fun with us, right?

Just as an FYI, lack of having your own insurance (or valid registration) is a huge flag for an insurance company to send a claim to their special investigation unit.

This "girl" is used to doing illegal stuff all the time it appears.
How about this quote: "The car is legally co-titled under a non-legal alias I have used, as well as my mother's name."

This "GIRL" couldn't pass an ethics test as she has no idea what Ethics are as well documented in this thread. I sure pray you aren't in a position to mentor/teach others your skewed version of right & wrong!

How very sad. "RBA," good for you for sending her an email. She thought we'd be upset at YOU for the email?

Very famous pastor named Dwight L. Moody from the 19th century once said: "If I take care of my Character, my Reputation takes care of itself!"

Girl we sure know Your character & you now have the reputation to go with it! How sad...truly will pray you will consider where this type of behavior will take you. :idea: