Prospect Zone

.....Joe, which is why you're the only shared source standing that I recommend to members since the results are great.

Other forum members think I have financial motives to recommend lead sources. If that's the case why have I ditched 3 within the last month. The bottom line is when agents complain about a source (lots of 'em, not a few - especially when proven producers complain) they go bye bye.
Now we only push exclusive leads. The only shared source we push due to high satisfaction (that I personally use) is Joe's Leads4Agents since he doens't shill out to Ehealth or call centers.

Also wanted to let you know, Your ASAP Leads that are exclusive, nothing more than Prospect zone running the advertising and using ASAP's site. Dont be fooled.
They've really got that "Medicaid" thing down good...

Must be the keywords they use?

So, you'll get your money back. That's nice. Always fun to "trade dollars".

I have explained this over and over, and even posted the website they use to capture the Lead, and Yes you are correct, it is the Keywords, and I also posted those.:SLEEP:
Your affiliation with N/PZ is well known, John. This slam is pretty silly. If all that matters is market share, then I guess I'll eat at McDonald's from now on.

I'm not sure an agent's decision about which technology to use should be made based on who yells the loudest or shoots the most t-shirts into the crowd. Marketing costs hit the bottom line and are transfered to customers. When the band packs up their instruments, the confetti gets sweeped up, one is left with a product that must perform.

Quotit has marketed through word of mouth in early years, until only recently. Historically, our growth has been purposeful and steady. Does that make our technology less worthy?

I don't think it does.

Recently, we've ridden some carrier endorsements and have been growing very quickly. But we will always try to hold onto our core values and try not to yell too loud. "Free leads" and 5 year contracts are not our thing.

Regardless of the noise, flashiness (or the "exclusive" association tie) of a company, agents do have a choice. Intelligent agents will weigh all relevant factors when they make that choice, and simply pick the technology that works best for them. Maybe it's us, maybe it's someone else. I'd rather win based on having the best product/service rather than having the loudest megaphone.

- M from Q.

That is the best post I have read. THE TRUTH, Honestly all this Hype and talk about certain Lead Vendors, exclusive Leads, Live Transfers, Quoting services, is nothing more than John pushing his association. Just 5 months ago, with John, it was Telemarketing Leads, and B2B flyers. not its "Exclusive Leads" it really does get old quick.:mad:
The problem is guessing instead of knowing - you're guessing and you're guessing wrong.

Not only do we still promote telemarketing but we've even formed a telemarketing group that meets twice a week - we also have a BtoB section. Those are, of course, recommended marketing techniques if money is an issue or agents simply do not want to purchase leads.

And I put my money where my mouth is - here's the my ASAP account I just turned on. If I'm going to recommend them I'm going to use them myself - doing quite well I might add.

And if I can find lead sources that do well and arrange discounts I'm trying to figure out who loses.
Dave, I do not go on all this incredible research you do involving keywords or whatever else you do.

I go by results as do my members - results only. It either does or does not perform well.

If a source does not perform well they are history. If they do perform well then we keep 'em.

Outside of that absolutely nothing else matters - only results.
The problem is guessing instead of knowing - you're guessing and you're guessing wrong.

Not only do we still promote telemarketing but we've even formed a telemarketing group that meets twice a week - we also have a BtoB section. Those are, of course, recommended marketing techniques if money is an issue or agents simply do not want to purchase leads.

And I put my money where my mouth is - here's the my ASAP account I just turned on. If I'm going to recommend them I'm going to use them myself - doing quite well I might add.

And if I can find lead sources that do well and arrange discounts I'm trying to figure out who loses.

I am just letting you know in advance, You have only used them for how long? 2-3 Days? John, not giving you a hard time, but every source you have recommended is always closing 1-3 1-4 and blah, blah, blah, the greatest thing since Sliced bread, then a month goes by and you no longer recommend them? I have nothing against ASAP quotes, I know Both Carla and her Husband and have spent time with them both. They set the Exclusive Leads up for Assurant, 500 leads per week? couldnt handle it, so they outsourced it to who? You guessed it Prospect Zone. She explained what it going on with ASAP quotes to me just on Monday of last week.
A month goes by and I'm no longer recommending who? We have many sources we continue to recommend for months.

Again, you're not a member so you're guessing. Please don't guess and make statements - instead, phrase it as a question.

When can hook up a discount with a new source it doesn't mean we no longer recommend our other sources.

And Dave again, who owns who, which keywords companies or affiliates are using,'s results that matter.

ASAP has features other's don't have:

$25 account set up
Age and health filters
Ability to pause
Generous return policy - I have applied for three credits and all were approved within 10 minutes.

I go by results only. And when you're negative on what I'm doing nothing I post will solve that.

I would imagine that just the fact that I have my own skin in the game says a lot and I'm not recommending anyone buy leads from a source that I'm not willing to buy myself.

To me that speaks volumes. To you it's "meh."

Since these is no "winning" on this board this will be my last reply on this topic - or it's yet another 10 page thread and ends up in the same place it began.