Senior Life Insurance

Hello Y'all,

Has anyone ever worked with, or does anyone currently work with Senior Life Insurance? They are located in the great State of Georgia and I am seriously considering jumping on board.

Please don't hold back :)

Thanks Y'all!

I'm with Sr Life. Call me anytime 252-292-3350.
Hello Y'all,

Has anyone ever worked with, or does anyone currently work with Senior Life Insurance? They are located in the great State of Georgia and I am seriously considering jumping on board.

Please don't hold back :)

Thanks Y'all!

What is it that you have found attractive about them?
They (SL) tell me I can get plenty of TV leads for $29 and I can sell over the phone in multiple states (while working in the field as well) if I choose. Their renewals seem low however at only 2 1/2 percent?
95 percent and 65 percent
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Thank you Insurance Man.
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They are an up and coming company. And do call Theinsuranceman, he a big producer for them. Call him, Greg is a nice guy. He will help you. He is big on tele-sales.