Sorry, but the World is Not coming to an End

So you already had plan premiums, rx deductibles and no otc on the plans you currently write with uhc
I haven't finished looking at all the counties in Florida, but I have not seen any with plan premiums, and the Rx deductibles are mostly negligible. and they all have OTC

also, yes. many of the MAPD plans already had deductibles for T3+

In fact, in Lake county one of the most popular plans is now giving a $15 Part B refund for the first time ever.

Sorry. FUD don't live here. the MAPD Party continues on!
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Many of the plans across the state of Florida look like they have actually Improved or remained stable over 2024 plan year
Caveat, not an agent.

It has been emphasized multiple times over the years here that FL is not typical of MA markets in the rest of the country (with the possible exception of CA?). Let's see how things play out elsewhere.
I haven't finished looking at all the counties in Florida, but I have not seen any with plan premiums, and the Rx deductibles are mostly negligible. and they all have OTC

also, yes. many of the MAPD plans already had deductibles for T3+

In fact, in Lake county one of the most popular plans is now giving a $15 Part B refund for the first time ever.

Sorry. FUD don't live here. the MAPD Party continues on!

Someone posted FL AARP plans will has drug deductibles so far
But not sure how drug deductibles will mean the party is over anyway

What I suspect is the HMOs will still have low if any deductible whoever really has an issue will go to HMO

Whoever stays will accept the drug deductible

its not going to be that big a disruption

The bigger is issue is the reduced area's who and where , I work in a bunch of states will be difficult to stay on top of
Caveat, not an agent.

It has been emphasized multiple times over the years here that FL is not typical of MA markets in the rest of the country (with the possible exception of CA?). Let's see how things play out elsewhere.
and I have acknowledged that several times on this forum over the years.
Someone posted FL AARP plans will has drug deductibles so far
But not sure how drug deductibles will mean the party is over anyway

What I suspect is the HMOs will still have low if any deductible whoever really has an issue will go to HMO

Whoever stays will accept the drug deductible

its not going to be that big a disruption

The bigger is issue is the reduced area's who and where , I work in a bunch of states will be difficult to stay on top of
Here in the Free State of Florida, the convo will go something like this during AEP:

me: sir, your plan now has a $175 Rx deductible for T3+
customer: FJB and his inflation
me: I agree.
customer: lets roll the plan over

I've been working the Florida market for over 12 years now. There has been years where the plans got better, and years where the plans got slight worse. It has often been a game of wack-o-mole with benefits.
This year will be no different. Business as usual
I guess I'm shocked more agents aren't pissed. Plan to move my contracts to an FMO who didn't sue to get our commissions cut. I know those FMO's are limited due to the monopoly going on in our business sector. Guess we are supposed to just sit back and take it in the ass.
What FMOs were part of the lawsuit?