I deliver all my policies, big and small, except for MOO who insists on mailing it to the client directly. Compared to what I was led to expect, I have pretty high persistency. Also, I am getting more and more referrals. I believe that both are a reflection of the fact that I do the policy delivery. Even with the MOO policies, I try to go back to go over the policy with the client. Unfortunately more than half of those folks never set a "policy delivery" appointment.
At any rate, I credit my policy delivery habit for helping both my persistency and my referral rate. Big credit goes to @jdeasy for that one.
Just so you know why Mutual won't send the policies to you....Mutual makes the MGA pick one or the other and that's the way all their agents have to do it. It's either send them to all of the agents or send them all straight to the client. No choice other than the one the MGA makes when they first get with Mutual. At least this is the general rule. I do know of at least one exception to this, but that's neither here nor there.