
So who adds the rider and not explain it to them and how it works? I do. Twice. Both at the time of the sale and at policy delivery. The alternative seems to be for them to have no insurance at all if they can't afford 4 or 5 separate plans. Each kid would be 6 to 9 bucks. Last week I met with two different women, both with 7 kids each (seven, not a typo). I showed them both how they can cover 8 people for less than 25 bucks and still haven't written the apps yet. I see alot of poor people, maybe I should door knock on houses that actually have doors. :laugh:

If a rider is the only way they can get coverage then it's fine as a last resort. I'm a believer in each person having their own policy.
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So who adds the rider and not explain it to them and how it works? I do. Twice. Both at the time of the sale and at policy delivery. The alternative seems to be for them to have no insurance at all if they can't afford 4 or 5 separate plans. Each kid would be 6 to 9 bucks. Last week I met with two different women, both with 7 kids each (seven, not a typo). I showed them both how they can cover 8 people for less than 25 bucks and still haven't written the apps yet. I see alot of poor people, maybe I should door knock on houses that actually have doors. :laugh:

I agree with using Child Riders. To the point that my kids are riders on several policies. My new Granddaughter is a rider on my son's policy. Recently wrote a family friend a $100,000.00 permanent policy with $20,000.00 on her three kids for just over $40.

At $6. I would easily be able to add individual policies to the kids as well.

However, Where do you find child policies for $6.-$9? Out of curiosity I ran RNA for a 6 year old girl @$20,000 and it came in at $13.50 Xs three kids could easily top $50.
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However, Where do you find child policies for $6.-$9? Out of curiosity I ran RNA for a 6 year old girl @$20,000 and it came in at $13.50 Xs three kids could easily top $50.


For example: a 6 year old girl:

RNA Youth/10K/8.18


Settlers Gold/5K/5.02

UHL Provider/10K/8.54

4 kids can be over 30 bucks. The little crumb snatchers can be expensive....love being a grandpa, though. :yes: