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Damion, I really get what your saying and again 1mil+ organic visitors to a site is unreal! Would you please shoot me over the url to that site. I would love to see what your doing.
I have built a couple health and fitness sites in Wordpress that were getting upwards of 75 to 90k hits per day using affiliate driven traffic. They ran horribly, even with a 24 core 16 gig ram server. We even used amazon cloud front for pier caching distribution. It still ran very badly. We used marketizator for split testing and hands down more than 1/3 the conversion rate on the same exact site built with a static framework. So I would love to see the site you are referring to. It would make a great case study.
I am also very curious how you do your social media and marketing as well. Any incite would be greatly appreciate. We have 2 in house social media managers that I direct. I would love to give them some new idea.
I have built a couple health and fitness sites in Wordpress that were getting upwards of 75 to 90k hits per day using affiliate driven traffic. They ran horribly, even with a 24 core 16 gig ram server. We even used amazon cloud front for pier caching distribution. It still ran very badly. We used marketizator for split testing and hands down more than 1/3 the conversion rate on the same exact site built with a static framework. So I would love to see the site you are referring to. It would make a great case study.
I am also very curious how you do your social media and marketing as well. Any incite would be greatly appreciate. We have 2 in house social media managers that I direct. I would love to give them some new idea.