23.00 set price Direct Mail leads vs Facebook leads

I have not worked a lot of leads.. not nearly as many as most on this forum.. but I still have had the conversation go like this:

"Here's the card you signed and sent in".

"Yeah, that's my signature but I didn't sign it". :biggrin:
That's about the time that I hit them with a sock full of wet sand:)
This may be true for some but not the majority, in my opinion...here's my personal take on this. I dont care if they mailed out 1 card or 10
I dont sweat that stuff those are "what ifs" adding those stats of what she may or may not have done would just set me up for failure by stressing out my sale lol

Im the contrary, I know I'm the guy, if she's going to buy insurance from Anybody it's going to be me lol
That's the mentality I approach with.

Maybe it comes from knowing I've got a great carrier lineup and have a very good chance to put her in the best situation possible or a better situation.
Maybe from knowing I'm going to give her the best price I have (personal choice) to each their own on who they lead with.

Maybe from knowing the five other agents before you sucked and dint sell her anything...or the one that did is way overpriced.

Too many factors

If your showing them a DM lead card and their denying it, and you said it's a good number of folks that your getting that from.
I would recommend working on the approach something is misfiring there.

This separates the haves and the have nots . . .
Doug Massey is in Florida and does field training. I would call him and schedule a ride along and if he makes sales on your ride along and can help you, move over to him. Then become a sponge and do exactly what he does.

I agree that Florida is a tougher market than most. A high percent of them are going to be cremated and cremation is cheap. A high percent of them are transient and do not have the family roots like the mid-west does. Plus you have a huge number of agents that move to Florida (it's cold in Wisconsin).

But there are some agents who do make it there. So it's not impossible.

I wouldn't keep doing what isn't working well. I would do one of two things. Either get better by hooking up with and Upline that can really help you make sales or move to and area of the country that you believe will make the job easier and more profitable.

Unless it's going well enough to pay all your bills, keep you happy and you just love Florida. If that's the case I wouldn't change a thing.

Doug is most def a #STUD

Even if he is a Dolphins fan
And you know this because.........................:confused::eek:


I can vouch that Doug is legit. I have seen him at several carrier conventions. At the 5-Star convention he was the #1 agent that year with them. He was also the #1 FE agent with SNL at convention with them.

Conventions are an accurate way to verify real producers from Facebook or forum studs. Companies only count issue, paid and on the books production. Facebook and forum groups tend to count written biz, near missed biz, gonna write biz, imaginary biz, etc.
I can vouch that Doug is legit. I have seen him at several carrier conventions. At the 5-Star convention he was the #1 agent that year with them. He was also the #1 FE agent with SNL at convention with them.

Conventions are an accurate way to verify real producers from Facebook or forum studs. Companies only count issue, paid and on the books production. Facebook and forum groups tend to count written biz, near missed biz, gonna write biz, imaginary biz, etc.
The joke went right over your head Newby. I wasn't questioning Doug's production. :twitchy: