23.00 set price Direct Mail leads vs Facebook leads

Doug Massey is in Florida and does field training. I would call him and schedule a ride along and if he makes sales on your ride along and can help you, move over to him. Then become a sponge and do exactly what he does.

But is Doug Spongeworthy??

Oh he's pretty if that's what you're asking. Got that Ginger thing working for him.
Doug Massey is in Florida and does field training. I would call him and schedule a ride along and if he makes sales on your ride along and can help you, move over to him. Then become a sponge and do exactly what he does.

I agree that Florida is a tougher market than most. A high percent of them are going to be cremated and cremation is cheap. A high percent of them are transient and do not have the family roots like the mid-west does. Plus you have a huge number of agents that move to Florida (it's cold in Wisconsin).

But there are some agents who do make it there. So it's not impossible.

I wouldn't keep doing what isn't working well. I would do one of two things. Either get better by hooking up with and Upline that can really help you make sales or move to and area of the country that you believe will make the job easier and more profitable.

Unless it's going well enough to pay all your bills, keep you happy and you just love Florida. If that's the case I wouldn't change a thing.
I'm pretty sure that he's been with Doug for a couple of years. :yes:
nah these guys are huge and have a lot of experience. they may be a dollar difference but they said that's not their experience. maybe lead houses are charging too much?

anyway, just tell me how many you want and ill hook you up.

Where does your statements state that you have to know how much AP an agent writes?
Where does your statements state that you have to know how much AP an agent writes?

After talking to you Billy I realized it's going to be a bunch of Agents that are convinced that it's always going to be the arrow and not the Indian so because I'm not in the lead selling business it would alleviate the headache knowing they're going to a producer that knows how to produce, you know so they don't go to waste.

Btw FEX has an agent near you that's been in the business less than 3 years, gets about 25 leads per week, sets his own appointments and is over $100K for this year.
If you aren't selling leads then why go on the forum to promote them? I don't want any of your leads. I wouldn't accept them if they were free. I was just wondering why you need to know how much AP an agent writes. I have been making a good living at this for 42 years so I think if I couldn't produce I would have quit long ago.

Where is this FEX agent at? I don't think he works the panhandle.