ACA Express -vs- HealthSherpa

took one of my hung up shrepas to aca just I have two app's pending....which will submit first.........
You think WBE's have a CMS-imposed ceiling on how many applications are allowed to be submitted per day/week/OpenEnrollment? Because HealthSherpa was free and had corporate contracts, it probably hit the ceiling very early yesterday.
You think WBE's have a CMS-imposed ceiling on how many applications are allowed to be submitted per day/week/OpenEnrollment? Because HealthSherpa was free and had corporate contracts, it probably hit the ceiling very early yesterday.

No limits are imposed.

We are processing thousands of apps today, latency which started at beginning of the day is now resolved. Traffic is up 3x so we added more servers in last 30-45 minutes. For apps with no issues we are seeing completion in under 90 seconds in most instances.
How do I sign up Kenny???? Have a HS app that HAS to go through today because of health procedures planned in January and no carrier direct way to enroll. If I can't get resolution, I have to call them back to call and get in the queue, and I would rather not lose the commission that way.
Health Sherpa shows a single person w/ $27,000 income with a $3,600 ded / $6,800 oop Silver.

About to enter this person on ACA Express and it gives her a $500 deductible for the same plan. Not right.

Will submit anyway and see if Government corrects it.
How do I sign up Kenny???? Have a HS app that HAS to go through today because of health procedures planned in January and no carrier direct way to enroll. If I can't get resolution, I have to call them back to call and get in the queue, and I would rather not lose the commission that way.

Go to ACAExpress Home Page - and choose either Standard or Pro Express pricing model. Shoot me an email at [email protected] when done choosing.
On ACAExpress where do you find the eligibility report?

You click on the "log in" at the upper right side of the page. I can't get in cause it says my password is wrong. I use same password for everything unless the system forces me into a strange one. Maybe ACA Express did this too and I didn't write it down. Will go and reset it now.

Just Received an e-mail saying that the App I submitted 10 minutes ago through ACA Express is "complete", but there's nothing else in the e-mail. Tremendous lack of info supplied to agent compared to Sherpa, but at least ACA Express is WORKING..I think that's what "Complete" means.