Cold Knocking

Chris, Thanks for starting this thread.

I was thinking of the same approach D2D, knowing that get these all the time anyway. I have a targeted list from my telephone cold-calling with all the home addresses. Many never answer the phone anyway, but the number wasn't disconnected, just never answered.

I made some FE type postcards (see attached) and went to Kinkos yesterday and copied them onto some light green card stock. I will start knocking this week on the days without appointments and share the results.


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With all due respect, if you were an agent of mine -- with numbers like yours, I would tell you that you're a total fool for not going completely door-to-door cold.

Don't you realize you don't need a list from Chris to hone in on a more targeted demographic?

Especially where you live -- your market is getting BLASTED with direct mail with a lead piece weekly if not more frequently.

In the sticks of Georgia and Alabama, an hour-plus from moderate-size cities, these people are SLAMMED with direct mail multiple times a month.

What's my point? In an area that's so HEAVILY marketed to like yours, just buy a $50 membership from Josh for his unlimited leads list -- take a blank lead card, ANY blank lead card -- and do the SAME thing you're doing, only this time instead of hitting doors cold once or twice a week, go five to six days weekly and double to triple your efforts (and watch your income triple to quadruple).

Sounds to me you're allowing Joe and others on this forum to get in your way of clearly what sound to be superb results -- WITHOUT any marketing investment.

I think you know what you should be doing.

I've explained to Joe over at EFES that I DON'T NEED LEADS!!!

I know that if I knock x number of doors off of a list I'll get x amount of AP.

The only advantage to leads is it streamlines the ones that have shown an interest of some sort.

Right now my leads with EFES are so far spread out that me working leads five days a week is horrible. I'd rather knock my list since I know what my return is.

I could survive and produce really good AP without leads. I think as FE agents we've been lured into thinking that "Hey, you need leads in order to survive!"

Well, if an agent is committed and has a good work ethic, YOU DON'T NEED LEADS.

But when your leads are combined with DK'ing a list you're production will be even larger.

Let's assume that I get 20 leads a week, off those leads there are three married couples giving me 26 people to see.
I sell 6 policies for 600AP, minus my lead cost that is 3760AP @ 120%

Now It won't take me five days to see 20 leads. So on let's say two days of the week I just DK my list. I knock 20 doors each day and make 2400AP with no lead cost, that is an additional 125K with no direct lead cost.

For a total production of 320K with just paying 29K for DM leads.
With all due respect, if you were an agent of mine -- with numbers like yours, I would tell you that you're a total fool for not going completely door-to-door cold.

Don't you realize you don't need a list from Chris to hone in on a more targeted demographic?

Especially where you live -- your market is getting BLASTED with direct mail with a lead piece weekly if not more frequently.

In the sticks of Georgia and Alabama, an hour-plus from moderate-size cities, these people are SLAMMED with direct mail multiple times a month.

What's my point? In an area that's so HEAVILY marketed to like yours, just buy a $50 membership from Josh for his unlimited leads list -- take a blank lead card, ANY blank lead card -- and do the SAME thing you're doing, only this time instead of hitting doors cold once or twice a week, go five to six days weekly and double to triple your efforts (and watch your income triple to quadruple).

Sounds to me you're allowing Joe and others on this forum to get in your way of clearly what sound to be superb results -- WITHOUT any marketing investment.

I think you know what you should be doing.

Can I like this post 100 times?
With all due respect, if you were an agent of mine -- with numbers like yours, I would tell you that you're a total fool for not going completely door-to-door cold.

Don't you realize you don't need a list from Chris to hone in on a more targeted demographic?

Especially where you live -- your market is getting BLASTED with direct mail with a lead piece weekly if not more frequently.

In the sticks of Georgia and Alabama, an hour-plus from moderate-size cities, these people are SLAMMED with direct mail multiple times a month.

What's my point? In an area that's so HEAVILY marketed to like yours, just buy a $50 membership from Josh for his unlimited leads list -- take a blank lead card, ANY blank lead card -- and do the SAME thing you're doing, only this time instead of hitting doors cold once or twice a week, go five to six days weekly and double to triple your efforts (and watch your income triple to quadruple).

Sounds to me you're allowing Joe and others on this forum to get in your way of clearly what sound to be superb results -- WITHOUT any marketing investment.

I think you know what you should be doing.

You're absolutely right. What I think I'll do is not take leads for a week from EFES and just DK my list and I'll post my AP.

It sure would help my income since I wouldn't be taking a haircut in commission.
With all due respect, if you were an agent of mine -- with numbers like yours, I would tell you that you're a total fool for not going completely door-to-door cold.

Don't you realize you don't need a list from Chris to hone in on a more targeted demographic?

Especially where you live -- your market is getting BLASTED with direct mail with a lead piece weekly if not more frequently.

In the sticks of Georgia and Alabama, an hour-plus from moderate-size cities, these people are SLAMMED with direct mail multiple times a month.

What's my point? In an area that's so HEAVILY marketed to like yours, just buy a $50 membership from Josh for his unlimited leads list -- take a blank lead card, ANY blank lead card -- and do the SAME thing you're doing, only this time instead of hitting doors cold once or twice a week, go five to six days weekly and double to triple your efforts (and watch your income triple to quadruple).

Sounds to me you're allowing Joe and others on this forum to get in your way of clearly what sound to be superb results -- WITHOUT any marketing investment.

I think you know what you should be doing.

Why would he waste $50 for unlimited data from Josh? He could get a lot better quality for $15-20 per thousand. I doubt he is going to knock on 2k doors a month. I'd want the most accurate list I could get for door knocking.
Why would he waste $50 for unlimited data from Josh? He could get a lot better quality for $15-20 per thousand. I doubt he is going to knock on 2k doors a month. I'd want the most accurate list I could get for door knocking.

I agree.

My point is Chris is using the Lead Connections order as a crutch to use a targeted list to cold knock, not so much that he should buy from X or Y, and that if Chris really thinks about it, he doesn't need Lead Connections, much less any purchasing of leads at all, to close a truckload of final expense.
See if Chris will give you a copy of a state specific card without anybody's name and address info on it.

Then hand them the copy of the blank card just like your doing now.

I think handing them a card that was mailed to someone else creates an unnecessary objection to have to deal with IMO.

I just use one of the cards that my wife or I get in the mail...We get at least 8-10 per month..