Door Knocking "Delivery Notices"

I have used the ones available thru EFES. I initially seemed to have good results but that waned over time.
I added "RI Final Expense Program" in writing next to my name to try to kickstart the results again...and all results promptly stopped abruptly. Less is more.:yes:
Curiosity is what makes those things work. when you wrote, "RI Final Expense Program" on there, you took away the curiosity. :yes:
I have used the ones available thru EFES. I initially seemed to have good results but that waned over time.
I added "RI Final Expense Program" in writing next to my name to try to kickstart the results again...and all results promptly stopped abruptly. Less is more.:yes:
In my experience its best to have the element of surprise. The more info you give before you get in the door the more their guard will be up.
They are deceiving and not for everyone. That being said, I use them. Some people are just never at home and never seem to answer their phone. When they call back I explain exactly what it is. They either want me to come back or they don't . Either way it's a success because I either sell it or toss it and on to the next one. It likely works better in some parts of the country than others I would imagine.
I have door knocked my direct mail leads for years and I think I used 3 of those silly things. I decided that it aggravated the people that called back.

Now I don't leave anything until I know I am moving on to the next county in the next week or so. When that happens I wrote a note on the lead and leave it with my card.
" Fred, I have been trying to reach you to get you this info you requested. Please call me. Thanks James." Then I leave the card and my card. If they call I have a super high closing ratio. If not it's 0.
Great idea! However, I like to keep my card for a future call?????
I wonder if a photo copy would work??
I too work my leads to the point that i'm needing to go to the next county or area
These are great if you have a lot of leads close together (like in an urban area), because you need to "shoot right over" and catch them. It will yield more presentations and that's a good thing. Just play dumb. If they call you on it, come clean and have your dancing shoes on. Good salesmen are excellent dancers.:yes: