Door to Door Idea

In my area people are pretty closed-off. It's a big city mentality where nobody knows their neighbor. This is where my willingness to utilize unconventional means comes from. I know that balls pay off in sales, so I have no shame in considering alternative techniques. There's lamer door to door salesman in my own neighborhood making good money selling other products. They're laughing to the bank even though they both look and act like tools.
I've learned that D2D can be pretty rewarding. I usually head out on a Saturday when it is nice from 9-12. Khaki's and an agency polo shirt, clean shoes, portfolio with some agency brochures and biz cards. 3 hours goes by quick. I normally just introduce myself, and let them know what we do. I hand them a brochure, a card, and usually get about 5 solid leads. I have made at least one sale from each Saturday. Many people actually appreciate the fact that I am out working, and actively looking for business. For the unsold's, I have to think that I would be in their mind when they become unhappy with their current carrier.
If you are comfortable then give it a go, if you are not then dont (although every new thing to you will be uncomfortable). I have an agent friend that did pretty well D2D and he liked doing it I dont and have done just fine, you must be believable in any marketing you do IMHO
I've learned that D2D can be pretty rewarding. I usually head out on a Saturday when it is nice from 9-12. Khaki's and an agency polo shirt, clean shoes, portfolio with some agency brochures and biz cards. 3 hours goes by quick. I normally just introduce myself, and let them know what we do. I hand them a brochure, a card, and usually get about 5 solid leads. I have made at least one sale from each Saturday. Many people actually appreciate the fact that I am out working, and actively looking for business. For the unsold's, I have to think that I would be in their mind when they become unhappy with their current carrier.

Are you a life agent? What do you sell if you don't mind my asking?
I give you a lot of credit for doing this. I never liked it but good luck to you. It can be dangerous also, so be very careful. If the wrong person thinks you are carring money, you could be a target for a problem. I focused on attending various, open neighborhood functions like 'garage sales' and 'flea markets' and I would hand out my cards, as I went from person to person. The were usually in better moods than on cold-calls at their front doors, in my opinion. I had some succes with this at one point, early in my career. Best of luck to you!

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