Frank Stastny - RIP

Thank you for sharing Frank with us for so many years. As you can tell, Frank made many virtual friends in addition to those he met and loved.
Frank was one of the first people on this forum to reach out to me and he even gave me his software for free. He was just a happy go lucky type of guy. Always postive and helpful. He loved to help people and took time for anyone.
Frank was one of the first people on this forum to reach out to me and he even gave me his software for free. He was just a happy go lucky type of guy. Always postive and helpful. He loved to help people and took time for anyone.

There were a lot of people that bought his software in part because it included training from the legend himself!
I, too, have been out of the loop for many days - so this came as a shock to me when Anthony Pelliccio followed up with me after sending Frank an email today.

There's not much I can add to what others have said about Frank - but I can attest that it's all true. He was peerless in his role in our community - and we were all better for simply knowing Frank.

I invested in Frank's training and YIO, and he gave me good contracts with several carriers - and I am happy to see Jacqueline being taken care of by the family here. It is safe to say that we all want her to reap the benefits of Frank's hard work and generosity.

May the healing come quickly.
I haven't been on the forum lately. Just heard about Frank. May he rest in peace and be in a better place. I always found insight, knowledge and wisdom in his posts and threads.
My condolences to his family and friends.
I had spoken with Frank before he moved and I had never spoken with someone who shared as much and expected nothing in return. I hope I can be a man and an agent in the same way that Frank was with me.
Several years ago, I just started in the Medicare business. I called Frank and he spent about 1/2 hour with me, helping me, advising me, coaching me, encouraging me, motivating me. I never really thanked Frank for, maybe, just, maybe, making the difference between me succeeding and failing in this business.
Frank, thank you. You will be missed.
Frank was my first intro into the insurance world and because of him, I was able to get off on the right foot selling insurance the right way. I remember sitting in my car trying to talk loud enough for him to hear me and him telling me that I should consider being an independent agent rather than work for physicians mutual. Anyway, my gut is wrenched to hear the news. These things are always a shock. I will miss reading his post and learning from his wisdom.