Frank Stastny - RIP

I don't post much on this forum, but read it alot. Very schocked hearing about Frank, I spend many a day taking and training with him. Always a man with a lot of wisdom to share and asking nothing in return.
Peace be with you Frank and may God give your family strength and good memories.
Frank's wife just called me with the terrible news that Frank died in his sleep last night. He had been going through some health issues lately but this was unexpected.

He was one of my best friends, albeit from a distance. I only had the pleasure of seeing him in person once but we talked at least twice a week.

I will miss him greatly.


Hi Rick;

I tried to post privately to you but am too new I am told. I came on to see the loss of your friend, I had been stalking a while and thought him to be one of the greatest assets to the list. (I'm 100 or so miles south of where he was). I had looked forward to learning from him. Do you know of a way to get his famous 40 pg document? (beg, borrow,buy or steal?). I was considering getting his training.

Hi Rick;

I tried to post privately to you but am too new I am told. I came on to see the loss of your friend, I had been stalking a while and thought him to be one of the greatest assets to the list. (I'm 100 or so miles south of where he was). I had looked forward to learning from him. Do you know of a way to get his famous 40 pg document? (beg, borrow,buy or steal?). I was considering getting his training.


Send an email to his wife Jacqueline. She monitors [email protected] and ask.

Regarding sending me a failed to notice a link to "contact me via email" in my signature below?

GreenSky said:
Send an email to his wife Jacqueline. She monitors [email protected] and ask.

Regarding sending me a failed to notice a link to "contact me via email" in my signature below?


Rick to be fair he might be using the forums app like I am and you do not see signatures.
I haven't spent much time on the forum in recent years. While searching for something regarding Med Supps I came across this news. I'm shocked as you all have been. What can I possibly add to what has already been posted?

It's an understatement to say that he was the most beloved member of the forum and that the forum won't be the same without him. His knowledge of the Medicare Supplement business, contracting, marketing etc. was perhaps unparalleled, at least so far as this forum goes. No doubt he prevented many a green agent from making serious errors at the beginning of their career.

I didn't know Frank as much as many of you did. However I talked with him on the phone several times. He was just as reported above, willing to spend over an hour on the phone with no expectation of anything in return. While we didn't always agree, I have to say I've never come across a more selfless person in this business. I've probably never known anyone who was more generous and helpful in any business. He helped confirm for me that I was on track in many ways (largely due to some good advice I'd previously received from another veteran agent) and gave me some very helpful pointers of his own.

Frank came to mind earlier today before I saw this thread. When I was on the SIMA chat a few hours ago, one of the veterans noted that he didn't sell Supps over the phone and that he was terrible on the phone. (Marketing was the subject. And many of you already know where this is going.) My reply was that surely he was good enough to at least set the appointments. He said that he always used a telemarketer for that. I thought to myself "He doesn't give good phone..."
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A sticky thread should be created in the senior section with all of franks best posts

Given the number of posts, that would be a tough thing to do unless some of us have some of the best "old school" marketing type threads bookmarked and maybe some good advice posts for newbie agents.

I do think it would be a good idea to make this thread a sticky.
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I called Frank shortly after getting my license. He picked up the phone and gave me 30 minutes of his time without hesitation. I didn't realize why everybody was saying, "I miss Frank", until I realized I wasn't seeing any of his posts... that's when I did a search and figured it out. What a great guy. Makes me terribly sad to know he's gone.