I Failed At Door Knocking

Im close to putting an ad in craigslist, to take pictures of a pauper's funeral. Take pictures of the flimsy box. I would like to put that together into a sheet that shows alternatives to planning. Maybe have some quotes from the family about what it woulda been like to have life insurance or some extra planning done.
How much should I pay the family in order to take pictures?

Here ya go Justin .....it looks like an empty eternity ....lol

Your picture is actually used more for a cremation container.

The pauper's casket is a cloth covered wood. It has an ugly grey-green felt paper covering that funeral directors refer to as "mole hair."

Here's a sample cloth covered wood casket - Yahoo! Search Results

I don't think my county buys those for indigent burials. I believe the law states we have to cremate or bury the remains it doesn't require a casket of any type, it probably requires a body bag. Harris county's policy is cremation unless a family member or friend requests earth burial, they do about 600 a year.

That picture came from a website selling those in England the price is 99 pounds which is like $200. How much are the ones you're talking about?
The mole hair caskets retail for around $700 but wholesale is around $350. They do indigent burials around here. Cremation is usually not an option unless the family pays for it.

Most funeral homes have metal caskets starting around $895. The most common price spent on a casket these days is around $1,800.


My thought is these aren't real cheap. Why not just be buried in a $300 Dodge Neon that needs a motor?

Because even the indigent have a shred of dignity. Jeep, maybe but not a Dodge Neon.