I Failed At Door Knocking

Not surprising that hasn't been successful, for a couple of reasons...

"I'd like"? Nobody cares what you'd like, except you. The prospect cares only about what they'd like.

It sounds like you've done nothing to help the prospect decide they have a problem, or established the value of the solution. Therefore the price has no context. It's all cost! Once you give it to them, they don't need you any more. Think of the health club model - they'd rather hang up on you than give the price over the phone.

When you asked them what will be different on the 5th of next month, what did they say? That's a polite "no".

You need some sales training.

Trying to find a way to "+1" this post on the mobile app... Excellent reply and very accurate! (although 'come back on the 5th' might be more than just a polite rejection, but I'm not holding my breath, either)
To add more constructive feedback, the better approach is something along the lines of "I'll take a look and can show you a specific plan in your budget when I'm back in your neighborhood. Does Wednesday after lunch work, or would you rather I stop by later today?" Be assumptive about what you're *going* to do to help them, not what you'd *like* to do. In general, people respond well to being led... at least, to a point.
Trying to find a way to "+1" this post on the mobile app... Excellent reply and very accurate! (although 'come back on the 5th' might be more than just a polite rejection, but I'm not holding my breath, either)
To add more constructive feedback, the better approach is something along the lines of "I'll take a look and can show you a specific plan in your budget when I'm back in your neighborhood. Does Wednesday after lunch work, or would you rather I stop by later today?" Be assumptive about what you're *going* to do to help them, not what you'd *like* to do. In general, people respond well to being led... at least, to a point.

Thanks for the idea/help. I will definitely change the approach and be more assumptive.

When you asked them what will be different on the 5th of next month, what did they say? That's a polite "no".

I want to thank you for this little nugget. I'm still new to the FE world and I had this exact objection yesterday morning.
I usually cold door knock but I've since starting buying "Bonus" leads from EFES.
The first lead I knocked on yesterday morning at 9:15am. I said my little warm up the 50y.o man at the door and he says "it's not a good time right now, can you come back next month?"

Based off of the above question to overcome those objections I asked what would be different next month. He replied that he wants the insurance but doesn't have the money right now until his budget will allow at the end of the month. I kindly explained that he doesn't have to pay anything and that I can set the draft up for a later date. He looked at me and said "come in."

I met with him (50y/o), and his wife (43y/o) and sold him a 15K policy. His wife mentioned that once they get used to paying the premiums on his policy she wants one for herself.

The moral of this long story is: I learn so much from everybody here on the forum and want to thank all of you for your contributions.

When you asked them what will be different on the 5th of next month, what did they say? That's a polite "no".

You need some sales training.

What's even funnier is if you push them to commit to a future draft date...be prepared to give it back when the draft is returned nsf. Not to be confused with selecting a future draft date based on policy replacement by a qualified applicant.
What's even funnier is if you push them to commit to a future draft date...be prepared to give it back when the draft is returned nsf. Not to be confused with selecting a future draft date based on policy replacement by a qualified applicant.

Since we are talking FE here, find out when their SS, Disability, pension, etc. check is deposited. Set it up to draft on that date.
The first lead I knocked on yesterday morning at 9:15am. I said my little warm up the 50y.o man at the door and he says "it's not a good time right now, can you come back next month?"

Based off of the above question to overcome those objections I asked what would be different next month. He replied that he wants the insurance but doesn't have the money right now until his budget will allow at the end of the month. I kindly explained that he doesn't have to pay anything and that I can set the draft up for a later date. He looked at me and said "come in."

I met with him (50y/o), and his wife (43y/o) and sold him a 15K policy. His wife mentioned that once they get used to paying the premiums on his policy she wants one for herself.

I really hate these type of objections because I know these type of people. Next month will be the same problem as this month due to the fact all of next months check is already spent. He's just a deadbeat and i would haul-ass on to my next appointment. We have cardboard boxes (caskets) for these types down here.

Good job on writing it though, other objections aren't as problematic as this.
I deal with this consistently, as in the objection come back next month, come back next week, comb back when I am dead..etc etc etc..;)

I always tell them I am in the area this week only and I am booked so this time will have to do due, or if they come back with another excuse I use the "what would next month be, a lottery winning coming in? We have plans that fit your budget, so lets determine what you qualify for.

I have also used the what makes it different next month question. However, I don't run into that one as often, since most say come back next week or a specific date.
I used to freak out every time I went door knocking. Did it for a number of years and learned to love it. It is convenient, affordable and will sooner or later give you results. It was the best thing to do at the time. I had no choice but to do it, you see. Now I have evolved into other ways of marketing since I am a mom and door knocking takes many hours of your time away from home. So it might help to ask yourself, how bad do you need to do it? can you afford not to? do you have choices? If you have no choice, then do it, anxiety is part of sales at first but you learn to overcome it. Once you learn to knock door, you feel so empowered, you feel you can do anything, trust me! Great sucess to you!
Im close to putting an ad in craigslist, to take pictures of a pauper's funeral. Take pictures of the flimsy box. I would like to put that together into a sheet that shows alternatives to planning. Maybe have some quotes from the family about what it woulda been like to have life insurance or some extra planning done.
How much should I pay the family in order to take pictures?
Im close to putting an ad in craigslist, to take pictures of a pauper's funeral. Take pictures of the flimsy box. I would like to put that together into a sheet that shows alternatives to planning. Maybe have some quotes from the family about what it woulda been like to have life insurance or some extra planning done.
How much should I pay the family in order to take pictures?

I may have shared this story elsewhere on the forum (getting old and have started repeating my self) but my favorite is the case of an old time debit agent talking to a lady in Copperhill, TN. In those days you could go to the funeral home and get a "burial" plan for 25 cents per week. If memory serves me right, it was supposed to pay up to $250.00 on a funeral at that funeral home. The agent was trying to sell the lady $1,000 life policy to take care of her funeral expenses but she kept saying she didn't need it because she had a burial plan at ***** Funeral Home. The agent looked her dead in the eye and said, "You don't want to be buried that way. Why, all they use for a casket is a cardboard box. I was at a funeral and the pallbearers were carrying one of those things downhill to the grave.. One of them slipped and fell and it let the casket tilt. You known what happened? Mr.**** (the corpse) busted out the end of that thing and went rolling down the hill. Now, you don't really want that to happen to you, do you? She was quite for a moment and then said, "Where do I sign?". :yes: