Not surprising that hasn't been successful, for a couple of reasons...
"I'd like"? Nobody cares what you'd like, except you. The prospect cares only about what they'd like.
It sounds like you've done nothing to help the prospect decide they have a problem, or established the value of the solution. Therefore the price has no context. It's all cost! Once you give it to them, they don't need you any more. Think of the health club model - they'd rather hang up on you than give the price over the phone.
When you asked them what will be different on the 5th of next month, what did they say? That's a polite "no".
You need some sales training.
Trying to find a way to "+1" this post on the mobile app... Excellent reply and very accurate! (although 'come back on the 5th' might be more than just a polite rejection, but I'm not holding my breath, either)
To add more constructive feedback, the better approach is something along the lines of "I'll take a look and can show you a specific plan in your budget when I'm back in your neighborhood. Does Wednesday after lunch work, or would you rather I stop by later today?" Be assumptive about what you're *going* to do to help them, not what you'd *like* to do. In general, people respond well to being led... at least, to a point.