KSKJ info needed

Private organizations are allowed to discriminate as they should be.. A fraternal is little more than a club (fraternity) and clubs are allowed to determine their membership requirement.But they should not be able to use the "benefits" of membership to induce the purchase of insurance..

Yes, thank you for clarifying my point.
I would agree with this. Because right now, they are operating as an insurance company with a fraternal, not a fraternal with an insurance company.
Fixed that for ya!

You are way out of line. I've told you this before but I'll spell it out for you a bit more clearly here. Agents who prefer to sell lower priced companies do it to offer their customers a better deal. Yes they will replace YOUR high priced policy. That is why your customer mailed in another lead card. They are still looking for a better price.

When I am out in the field and become aware of an agent CHURNING or anything else unethical (clean sheeting, not filling out replacement forms, rebating, etc.) I'm making a huge problem for this guy. I have cost many crooked agents their license or their company appointment over my many years. If good agents don't help clean up the dirt bags in our industry, no one else will either. Consumers often don't recognize the dirt bag behavior and even if they do won't usually report it.

If you really have any actual information of one of my agents doing dirtbag things out in the field you should be calling me, the company, and the department of insurance. I can guarantee you I would with you. Because that is the only RIGHT thing to do. Only dirt bags look the other way and enable dirtbags to continue to rip off seniors.

You play your weak game of slinking around and acting like anyone who sells more than you can or sells lower priced companies than you do is doing it by re-writing their own cases. I call bullshit. You are a weak competitor that can't compete so you smear. Put up or shut up. Bring your cases to me that you have seen wrong doing and we will report them together to the company that got flipped.

Every agency has had scam artists and dirt bags sign up at one time or another. I can assure you they don't last long at mine. We don't put up with it. You apparently do. Because you claim it's all around you and you don't do anything about it. What does that tell you about yourself?

Looks like religious discrimination to me. Here in our home land where there is supposed to be no religious discrimination. How can that be?
You are way out of line. I've told you this before but I'll spell it out for you a bit more clearly here. Agents who prefer to sell lower priced companies do it to offer their customers a better deal. Yes they will replace YOUR high priced policy. That is why your customer mailed in another lead card. They are still looking for a better price.

When I am out in the field and become aware of an agent CHURNING or anything else unethical (clean sheeting, not filling out replacement forms, rebating, etc.) I'm making a huge problem for this guy. I have cost many crooked agents their license or their company appointment over my many years. If good agents don't help clean up the dirt bags in our industry, no one else will either. Consumers often don't recognize the dirt bag behavior and even if they do won't usually report it.

If you really have any actual information of one of my agents doing dirtbag things out in the field you should be calling me, the company, and the department of insurance. I can guarantee you I would with you. Because that is the only RIGHT thing to do. Only dirt bags look the other way and enable dirtbags to continue to rip off seniors.

You play your weak game of slinking around and acting like anyone who sells more than you can or sells lower priced companies than you do is doing it by re-writing their own cases. I call bullshit. You are a weak competitor that can't compete so you smear. Put up or shut up. Bring your cases to me that you have seen wrong doing and we will report them together to the company that got flipped.

Every agency has had scam artists and dirt bags sign up at one time or another. I can assure you they don't last long at mine. We don't put up with it. You apparently do. Because you claim it's all around you and you don't do anything about it. What does that tell you about yourself?

I'm confused Newby, are you responding to me or someone else? Plus, your response has nothing to do with what you quoted that I said. Plus I don't recall you ever directing this at me before. So completely confused here.

But I will be clearer. You said

If an agent is just getting going with insurance and doesn't have good cash flow yet, I tell them to just write cases that they couldn't get without the KSKJ low rates.

So please elaborate, other than replacement, what cases are there that they could not otherwise write without KSKJ's low rates?

Now someone else made the accusation of churning, not I. I don't see you advocating that, but it is certainly possible it is happening.

Also, I stand by my other statement, the one you quoted. Of the fraternals that are routinely mentioned on this forum, I would say every last one is a case of "An insurance company with a fraternal" and not a "Fraternal with an insurance company".

I have no personal experience with KSKJ, however I do with RNA and Foresters. I think RNA is excellent, and Foresters is pretty good. But I always think of them as an insurance company first and foremost. And I have never encountered someone who was a member of a Chapter before they bought insurance, nor have I ever encountered someone who was simply a member and did not have any insurance with them.
I'm confused Newby, are you responding to me or someone else? Plus, your response has nothing to do with what you quoted that I said. Plus I don't recall you ever directing this at me before. So completely confused here.

But I will be clearer. You said

So please elaborate, other than replacement, what cases are there that they could not otherwise write without KSKJ's low rates?

Now someone else made the accusation of churning, not I. I don't see you advocating that, but it is certainly possible it is happening.

Also, I stand by my other statement, the one you quoted. Of the fraternals that are routinely mentioned on this forum, I would say every last one is a case of "An insurance company with a fraternal" and not a "Fraternal with an insurance company".

I have no personal experience with KSKJ, however I do with RNA and Foresters. I think RNA is excellent, and Foresters is pretty good. But I always think of them as an insurance company first and foremost. And I have never encountered someone who was a member of a Chapter before they bought insurance, nor have I ever encountered someone who was simply a member and did not have any insurance with them.

No I did not mean that for you. I meant it for the DooDoo guy in California. He's a creeper. Tosses out accusations about his competitors but never backs anything up with facts. Stuff that any decent agent wouldn't give a pass to.

When I say agents who can't budget without advances should only write cases they can only get with KSKJ's lower rates I assume that is pretty obvious. There are some appointments that you just can't sell BUT if your price was lower you could. It might be because they have already bought something that you need to beat to earn their business (the most common one). Could be because they have rates from mail order or the credit union or where ever and have been shopping around. Could be they just have a set number in mind that they want to pay for $10,000 and won't pay more than that. But for whatever reason, there are cases that any of us could sell IF we had lower rates that we just can't if we don't have lower rates.

Agents get the mindset that I can't sell GI policies. Or I can't sell KSKJ because I need the 9-month advance. And I can understand that if you need the cash flow of the advance to afford to get your business going. But if you sell all of that you can PLUS some GIs and some KSKJs that don't advance and you only got these cases because of the lower rates or because of the GI underwriting, then you increased your cash flow not decreased it.

Agents who want to sell higher priced companies can do that all they want. And many do great with it. But the weak ones and especially the weak recruiters want to act like agents who sell the lower prices are somehow immoral or bad salespeople. They are just trying to justify their decisions.
I will say this, I personally think price-busters are unethical. If you have a company you only sell when in competition, that is unethical. Either sell it all the time, or never. Why does only Mrs. Jones get it because she bought XYZ and you need to beat her rate, but not Mrs. Smith who had no coverage when you met her?

Now am I saying don't sell competitive companies? Of course not. I believe you should be competitive, both for the client and yourself. What I am saying it, you should be willing to sell any company any time, not just when you have to beat another rate.
I'm confused Newby, are you responding to me or someone else? Plus, your response has nothing to do with what you quoted that I said. Plus I don't recall you ever directing this at me before. So completely confused here.

But I will be clearer. You said

So please elaborate, other than replacement, what cases are there that they could not otherwise write without KSKJ's low rates?

Now someone else made the accusation of churning, not I. I don't see you advocating that, but it is certainly possible it is happening.

Also, I stand by my other statement, the one you quoted. Of the fraternals that are routinely mentioned on this forum, I would say every last one is a case of "An insurance company with a fraternal" and not a "Fraternal with an insurance company".

I have no personal experience with KSKJ, however I do with RNA and Foresters. I think RNA is excellent, and Foresters is pretty good. But I always think of them as an insurance company first and foremost. And I have never encountered someone who was a member of a Chapter before they bought insurance, nor have I ever encountered someone who was simply a member and did not have any insurance with them.

I'm not sure I understand your point about fraternals. All fraternals that offer insurance require you to become a member to buy their insurance. You automatically become a member of the fraternity and an owner of the company when you buy the insurance.

Many fraternals if not all of them have members that don't have insurance too. KSKJ has many active charters with members that do charitable things in their community. You get a newsletter showing all of that every month if you are an agent. They have asked me to encourage our agents to go to meetings and participate in these things as many people there are pre-sold on the KSKJ organization and have not bought insurance yet. I know that Knights of Columbus is exactly the same way because they have active membership drives at my church.