Leads from Lead Connections...?

Assuming that is true; where can you get better pricing for E-64 leads?

I was thinking dropping per 1000, but after his reply, his return area must be only around 1.1% since it costs almost $40 when he tried that.
I have been told I get 2 to 2.5 per thousand. I never check so I have to assume that is the case. With SNL lead credits, they pay half, so the overall cost is decent.
I have been told I get 2 to 2.5 per thousand. I never check so I have to assume that is the case. With SNL lead credits, they pay half, so the overall cost is decent.

Michigan has the best returns. Except for Hawaii. Got a small agency down there. They pull 3-4% consistently!
I have been working them exclusively for the past two years in Michigan and I must say, I think things are changing. I worked Saginaw last week and had probably the worst day and a half in a long long time. I Got stood up 3 or 4 times. I was only able to meet with 4 people and three out of 4 had an almost identical card they had just gotten a couple of days before.

All 4 were as ghetto as you can get. They were surrounded by closed down factories with busted out and boarded up windows. Two or three uninhabited homes per block and the rest were mostly shacks. GM really took a toll on the people. They are struggling just to make ends meet.
I have been working them exclusively for the past two years in Michigan and I must say, I think things are changing. I worked Saginaw last week and had probably the worst day and a half in a long long time. I Got stood up 3 or 4 times. I was only able to meet with 4 people and three out of 4 had an almost identical card they had just gotten a couple of days before.

All 4 were as ghetto as you can get. They were surrounded by closed down factories with busted out and boarded up windows. Two or three uninhabited homes per block and the rest were mostly shacks. GM really took a toll on the people. They are struggling just to make ends meet.

Are you calling your leads before you go see them?
I try to always have a full day and a half of pre scheduled appointments. If they don't answer the phone I will stop in unannounced when time allows.
As I am working leads now I am trying to establish how or what works for me. Do you think announcing you are going to be there tends to increase the fact they won't be there?

Just working through how I want to address how I approach my leads.

I've door knockced for so long, I hate to announce that I am coming.

Your thoughts.