Mark Rosenthal....A Forum Friend....

Mark, we haven't met but we have talked on the phone. We are brothers in Christ and a check is in the mail. God bless you buddy.
Giving a shout out to one of our most respected posters that needs some help.....

Mark's HSCT Multiple Sclerosis Cure by Mark Rosenthal - GoFundMe

For the first time in many years, I have hope again. Some of you know what I’ve been going through. Both having Marfans Syndrome and Multiple Sclerosis has been really hard on me. My MS is progressing now. Each year I can walk less and less. Today I can only walk for about 15 mins before my legs give out on me. I can’t see very much out of my right eye. It is almost like everything is the same color in it and bright. I also have problems using the restroom. My memory comes and goes. I have legions on my brain, neck and spine now. When I get hot, I got blind and stop moving. I just can’t tell you what this has not only done to me but my family. After doing a lot of research on HSCT, I have decided to do it. I know a few people that have had it done and it has greatly help them with their MS. Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune disease where you won immune system attacks you. HSCT uses chemo to kill your immune system and then introduces stem cell back into you to restart your immune system. There are a few places in the United States doing trials, which I was not accepted in. So, I’m force into leaving the country to have it done. I have to pay for it all out of my pocket. $50,000 to have the treatment plus everything else that goes along with it. Such as a MRI done within 3 months of the treatment. Being out of work for a month. Airfare and hotel. When I come back I will still need some infusions. There is a lot to get done in a short amount of time. I’m in a race against my body. I miss the small things in life. Like going for a long walk. Using the restroom like a normal person. Not having pain. I can tell that my mind is not what it used to be. Stem Cell therapy can help me with a lot of my problems. But as you can image $60,000 is a lot of money for anyone to come up with. I’m overwhelm right now not only with coming up with the money to do this, but taking a month away from my family and work. I am a very humble person that hates to ask anyone to do anything for me. To be honest I had given up on any hope of improving my situation. I may have to have surgery soon on top of that to help me urinate. It is very hard to deal with all of this and not just want to give up. I still work full time and have five kids to take care of. I’m lucky enough to have a great family that loves me. But I need help right now. This is my last option and the only hope I have right now. to learn more about my story.

Mark's HSCT Multiple Sclerosis Cure - Home

I wanted to give you all an update. As of right now I have raised $15,130.75. Thank you for you help so far. Every little bit helps.
Thanks for the update, Mark. Any special events planned in and around Griffin to raise money? Your church maybe?
Thanks for the update, Mark. Any special events planned in and around Griffin to raise money? Your church maybe?


We have an event this Saturday. But look like we may get rain out.

We are working on a couple of events.
We have an event this Saturday. But look like we may get rain out.

We are working on a couple of events.

here is a you have a life insurance policy with a terminal illness rider.....
here is a you have a life insurance policy with a terminal illness rider.....

Wouldn't do much good at this point in time as MS is not usually considered a Terminal Illness.. I think he has already answered the question about a plan with a critical illness rider.
Yep. It is not covered under most CI policies either.

Central United Cancer Policy covers it for the same benefits as they pay for cancer other than the first occurrence benefit. . But since many of the treatments for cancer are not used to treat MS, the amount paid usually is not very much..