Then why aren't there hundreds of $200,000 FE producers out there cold calling and cold doorknocking?
First of all, most agents will not cold door knock day in and day out due to call reluctance. I do know canvass agents making that kind of money but they are generalists, selling more than just FE.
In fact, I don't know of any agents that sell just FE other than those the forum that claim to do just FE
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I think I see why you may be getting "nos" . You ask one question inviting a no answer (do you have burial insurance) and follow it up with another question that invites a no answer.. (Would you like to take five minutes to see what you qualify for?)This really brought I smile to my face . You seem to be doing really good at this! Your script is much better. Thanks.
I do, however, use a similar script. Although, I never sold anyone in their neighborhood, when they answer the door, I say: "My name is Fretrek, I am with.....and I was just over at your neighbor's helping her with a little burial insurance plan. Do you have a burial insurance plan? Would you like to take five minutes to see what you qualify for?"
Might work better if you said something along the lines of, "I was next door working with your neighbor to assure that her final expenses and burial costs are taken care of. I don't know if my services would be of benefit to you but you can decide for yourself with the answesr to just a couple of questions.. That's fair enough, isn't it?' Smile and slightly nod you head "yes" as you ask this" and immediately ask a question that needs more of an answer than just "yes" or "no". You want to draw them into a friendly conversation.
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