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Quarantine and Insurance sales

Will the insurance carriers be able to keep their doors open if a few of their home office personnel come down with the virus? Then what?

Carriers who have a plan B (and C) in place will be able to grow when other carriers start to shrink because they are in "pause" for a few weeks (or longer).

Just thinking out loud.
Nationwide has split shifts going for employees to work from home, my wife's company has sent regional employees home for at least a week for telework. My son works for a gov't contractor and his building was closed until the end of the month, also doing telework. I closed more business on Friday than I have all week because people are home.
Congress tells people to not blame Chinese restaurants and to give them your business, then the next day says don't go to restaurants. Have to admit that the Red Lobster where we ate on Friday night had fewer people than normally and we left a better tip for the server because he said business was hurting. The 400lb'ers inside had more than Corona Virus to worry about as they stuffed fried dish after fried dish into their pieholes
From today on tv. This is not negative spin but the reality we face and one must prepare for it .

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said Sunday that hundreds of thousands of Americans could die from the coronavirus as the number of cases is expected to rise across the U.S.

“We are clearly going to have more infections,” he said on CNN’s “Face the Nation”. “The challenge we have right now is how do we blunt that.”

“We have to be realistic and honest. Our job, our challenge is to try and make that not happen. But to think if we go about our daily lives and not worry about anything, that’s it’s not going to happen -- it could happen. And it could be worse,” he said.
David - unfortunately the odds are starting to get higher and higher. Let me know how many seniors are welcoming in the door knockers with open arms...

Sat with over 220 yrs of seniors in less than 5 and a half hours last week and closed on over $2K in FYC. Being lazy, I know.:yes:

My secret... I bring a roll of tp to every door I knock and explain that part of the new state benefits is to show you how to use it properly to keep from getting sick with the virus.:laugh:

Ooops.... I just misstated something above, I'll let you guess what it was.:tongue:
Not sure I would be to quick to waste a protein source.
Will the insurance carriers be able to keep their doors open if a few of their home office personnel come down with the virus? Then what?

Carriers who have a plan B (and C) in place will be able to grow when other carriers start to shrink because they are in "pause" for a few weeks (or longer).

Just thinking out loud.
And, you think SL has a plan B and C? :skeptical:
From today on tv. This is not negative spin but the reality we face and one must prepare for it .

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said Sunday that hundreds of thousands of Americans could die from the coronavirus as the number of cases is expected to rise across the U.S.

“We are clearly going to have more infections,” he said on CNN’s “Face the Nation”. “The challenge we have right now is how do we blunt that.”

“We have to be realistic and honest. Our job, our challenge is to try and make that not happen. But to think if we go about our daily lives and not worry about anything, that’s it’s not going to happen -- it could happen. And it could be worse,” he said.
And, that is going to be prevented by shutting things down for two weeks? Some things just aren't adding up.. :unsure: