Rate comparison, Lincoln Heritage and Senior Life

But Newby, Todd said he gives 110% to 125%.

I just double checked and the rates I quoted are for age 67.

Everyone starts new agents at 125% on certain companies but the products that accept COPD 1st day are not 125%. Americo has two different products which makes it confusing if you aren't familiar with them.

And I'm not bashing your product Greg. I'm just making the point that there is NO one product from any company that can out perform a good agent with multiple products.

And you have heard my thoughts on Legacy as you have heard them before. I'm sure it sounds wonderful in your sales presentation. But it's not guaranteed to be there when they need it. And the local Costco sells the same stuff for less. So does Wal-Mart online. There is no way that someone should over pay for their life insurance for the benefit of paying $2 extra per month to belong to a discount casket buying club. Because you can buy caskets all day long cheaper than the Legacy prices.
I asked why do you care? What business is it of yours anyway. I don't ask you or anyone else how many carriers you represent. It's none of my concern. You are majoring in the minors and minoring in the majors.
One thing for sure, I can write for one carrier and easily out write you who might represent 20 carriers. Why? Because you hang around up here all day long 7 days a week.
Seems you have been on here quite a bit lately.. :yes: So far you have made 67 posts today at all hours of the day.
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Sorry. I was just repeating what Todd and all the other brokers up here preach. If a broker is not that interested in finding the cheapest plan then why would they represent a bunch of carriers? Keep life simple and write for a carrier with a simple one page app, same day pay, lead financing with leads only $25, and much, much more.

I love to put as much business through one or two companies as possible. If it's within $5 a month or so, I feel like it's a good fit all the way around. I'm not committed to getting Gertrude the cheapest plan no matter what, because it also has to be a good experience for everyone, and those cheapo companies aren't always the best experience. So around $5 or 10% is my threshold where I feel like if I can stay within that range, I'm remaining competitive with my preferred carriers.

Competitive pricing is one of several things that has to fit. It also has to be a POS decision and a company with good customer service. If the cheapest app is paper, and the second cheapest is a POS interview for $7/mo more, I'm doing the POS.

I feel like if you have to put some people in 2 yr waits where you could have given them immediate coverage with another company, you've already made the argument for me why working with several companies is best.

There are SOME ways that SL is agent friendly, but there are also some where it's not so attractive, at least to a broker.

Does SL have an instant decision e-app? I know they run an RX check. Is that something UW reviews or is it integrated into the app?
Seems you have been on here quite a bit lately.. :yes: So far you have made 67 posts today at all hours of the day.

LOL.....Looks like you have nothing better to do. Who goes around counting someone's posts? I'm up here a lot for one day, not a whole week.

Rouse this is not directed at you but here's a thought that popped into my mind:
Losers are losers because they worry about other people instead of themselves.
Winners are winners because they worry about themselves instead of other people.

Your thoughts?
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