
That is a very interesting idea. Anyone on here use it and willing to share results?
There's a guy in our group that does this and has pretty good luck. The only thing is that sometimes he'll have 25 people and sometimes he'll have 3.
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BTW, this guy consistently produces over $100K...this is one of his prospecting methods.
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1. I thought you got tossed for spam?
2. That would be a different type of seminar, and I seriously worry about you if you question the value of that type of seminar.
I don't question the value of that seminar. I thought it was an amazing event. So from my standpoint it was very valuable.

Apparently you didn't get the memo, this is courteous week, and altering my post was very discourteous. You were a spammer, pure and simple. Hopefully you've learned your lesson.

And my comment was about your questioning the value of the seminar from their perspective. Trust me, no insurance company or GA/IMO/FMO puts on a seminar for agents that they don't think will be valuable to the organization.
Note I said organization, and not agent. A kool-aid fest is great for the organization, but often bad for the agent. I suspect your organization has held more than its share of kool-aid fests.
So, to get back to the topic...
Some of our agents are going through some annuity seminar training in a month. I was wondering who on the forum is doing this kind of seminar and how it is working for them. Any advice is appreciated...