Weekend Lead Generation / Sales Testing . . .

Dude! You're drooling on your keyboard!:1mad:

I agree that better prospects are available than most in the projects.
But seniors living in projects are not usually what you're picturing. They're poor people, but not poor clients. No, don't sell FE to the single mom in her 20's. But the lady in her 60's on SS who lives next door will often be a great client.

Best idea, though, is just leave the projects to us debit guys!:yes:

I don't know what to say to you guys really. Selling insurance is not that tough that we need to be looking for sales any damn place we can find them, The day I have to start looking for sales on the wrong side of town is the day I need to find a new job.
I don't know what to say to you guys really. Selling insurance is not that tough that we need to be looking for sales any damn place we can find them, The day I have to start looking for sales on the wrong side of town is the day I need to find a new job.

That's great! Don't want you in my hood anyway!

And I'm really only half joking! I do work those projects and low income neighborhoods, and have nearly my whole career, and continue by choice. Most FE agents that try to work in the same neighborhoods really have no business there. They so often don't know what they're doing, and don't know how to walk away from an easy sale that will soon become an easy chargeback!

If the prospect can't manage a bank account, they're not a good prospect. Lots of those folks live in low income housing. They're much better served by the Home Service system, IMO. I can't tell you how many times I've encountered a lapsed FE policy that I then write Home Service, who are still on the books years later. Meanwhile, the FE agent that worked the area, because it's easy to get leads and sales there, has failed out of the business due to poor persistency.
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The man is talking about recruiting and doing business with people living in a housing project.

Thats enough nonsense. The man is talking about seeking out people who live in housing projects to do business with. You say "Fantastic" well guess again. That is the most stupid idiotic idea in the world. Nobody aspires to work with people in the projects. Nobody in their right mind I should say.
I thought that people who live in housing projects were the typical FE prospect. :huh:
One of the reasons I don't run leads... I like to choose the individual neighborhoods I work. Too old and out of shape to put up much of a fight or run.. And, I don't want to have to shoot anybody. :no:

Yeah I don't want to shoot anybody either. But I've made the decision that I will if necessary ;) Nice thing is that the Shuranceman seems to get a pass. I'm not running a debit, so I'm not carrying gobs of cash.

Also it's important to be aware of your surroundings. Check your corners and look over your shoulder every few seconds (becomes second nature after a while) Hold up boys are looking for people not paying attention. Look people in the eye. Most folks are looking at the ground. Homeboy don't want you to be able to pick him out of a lineup.

In the words of our SecDev James Mattis, "Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet." :D
I think if he simply taught agents to canvass and sell on the spot it would be more viable. But to pay someone to canvass and then try to have agents sell the leads, I just don't see how to make the numbers work. Once you introduce people who aren't as invested in it, the results will fall off.

Now that is true cold D2D... a tough racket but, you take someone who can make even just a go at this and then place a warm lead in front of them... now that is selling.
So you're plan is to door knock to develop leads and sell them for $50 a pop?

Didn't you make more money off the sales then you would have selling all the leads???

Or am I missing something?

We are launching a captive FE Call Center and are creating our own leads. $50 is our max anticipated cost of creating the lead inhouse. May come in at $40 - but, just won't know until we start creating thousands of them . . .
While I applaud you for not just sitting on your hands trying to invent the perfect system, I really don't see the benefit of this.

You are going out in the field to generate leads so they can be sold over the phone...

Why not just sell them while you are there? I really just don't see the benefit of this.

Insurance Agents aren't the ones going D2D for the leads - using stay at home Mom's, Dad's, and High School / College kids.

Me and my buddy did it as a test. So - we couldn't let on we were Agents.
One of the reasons I don't run leads... I like to choose the individual neighborhoods I work. Too old and out of shape to put up much of a fight or run.. And, I don't want to have to shoot anybody. :no:

Not in the same age class I don't think? ...I just tell them I cover their grandma and she needs me now more than ever and just walk off.