Weekend Lead Generation / Sales Testing . . .

Lots of those folks live in low income housing. They're much better served by the Home Service system, IMO. I can't tell you how many times I've encountered a lapsed FE policy that I then write Home Service, who are still on the books years later. Meanwhile, the FE agent that worked the area, because it's easy to get leads and sales there, has failed out of the business due to poor persistency.

I think debit has it's place. I'm curious how easy it may be to get referrals from those cases . . .
I don't know about you, but me personally, I don't want to be canvassing in 100 degree heat in the south.

I think the Agents will be interested IF we can deliver quality leads for them to make plenty of sales in a climate controlled environment and make it fun . . .
Good for you for taking action. Question: why not just buy leads for $10-$15 each and erase all the lead gen headache?

You can get FE TV leads for $10 & live transfer telemarketed leads for $13. Might be a lot easier to scale that way!
Take the same approach and go to lower income housing area... have a back up accident and cancer plan with ROP and door knock the area. You can use the system 2 ways, do it today or collect follow-up info.

We are focused on only FE this go round. but - thanks for the suggestion.
Yeah I don't want to shoot anybody either. But I've made the decision that I will if necessary ;) Nice thing is that the Shuranceman seems to get a pass. I'm not running a debit, so I'm not carrying gobs of cash.

Also it's important to be aware of your surroundings. Check your corners and look over your shoulder every few seconds (becomes second nature after a while) Hold up boys are looking for people not paying attention. Look people in the eye. Most folks are looking at the ground. Homeboy don't want you to be able to pick him out of a lineup.

In the words of our SecDev James Mattis, "Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet." :D
Helps if you look a little like a cop, too. I used to have people stop me on the way to a door and ask, "You a cop?". I learned to look them up and down for a couple seconds and ask back, "Why you askin'?" They'd usually just say, "oh, er..., no reason...just curious." To which I'd respond, "OK, then", and keep moving.

As I got older, I looked less and less like that, and more like a kindly, harmless old dude. I was assaulted for the first time after working on the 'hood for 25 years. Part of it, as you mentioned, was due to my not being entirely aware of my surroundings. But part was my appearance. Since then, I've let my hair grow, and gel it back into a pony tail. I started wearing a starched shirt and tie again, too. I also clip a tactical knife inside my front right pocket, so it's visible to anybody sizing me up. I'm being more conscious of walking and moving purposefully, with a more serious, intentional look on my face. Since I made those changes, I've started getting those questions about my law enforcement status again.
Yeah, but they still want to get paid to knock doors. And it sounds like you are wanting to do 65% commission to the agent with 6 month advance and no lead expense?

Maybe you can make the numbers work, I'm just not sure. Also, I don't know how scale-able it will be. Basically you are going to be limited by your ability to generate leads and ensuring the door knockers actually work.

D2D door knockers get paid $10 per hour + bonus depending on the "quality" of their production. So far - the ones we have interviewed have been single parents and students - both High School and College.

GPS Apps and Bluetooth will ensure they knock what they say they knock.

Agent is on a 50% contract with a 6 month advance + bonuses. Remember - we are captive providing leads and support. These peeps aren't "independent" for a reason . . . They are free to leave at anytime with a non-circumvent agreement . . .
I am trying to figure out why the lead would cost $50 each.. If you are using non licensed people to door knock a list, you could pay them $10 per hour or so and should expect they develop at least 1 or 2 leads per hour..

$10 hour + Bonus . . .

Our test was 12 hours and 30 minutes Saturday - but, we hustled. I expect those same knocks to be a little more. Driving - stopping / starting used a lot of the time.

We think we can get it down to $40 - but, just not enough data with this exact concept to know yet.

But - even at $50 for a HOT lead like we had to call on Sunday - seems reasonable.

There is more expense to create a D2D lead than just the labor. You have list cost, gas, overhead, liability insurance, workers comp, county / city permits, etc . . .
No idea, he hasn't shown us the math on that. I assume he will pay them per lead generated or maybe a base plus bonus per lead. Which also leads to, he will have trouble managing them.

He is going to need someone to ensure they are actually working and generating real leads, and again that is going to lead to an issue in scaling.

I really do applaud myinsurebiz for doing something. This idea probably did actually need a bit more thought first.

We've done this before - so, not a big learning curve.

We now have the technology to ensure the team goes where they say and knocks what they say they knock.

But - management will be required - but, not that big a deal.

Thanks for nice comment as well . . .