Weekend Lead Generation / Sales Testing . . .

The closer you are to the city, the harder it is to catch people at home. In a rural setting, people don't have as many places to go. But the same is true for appointments. The city people are more likely to forget the appointment and leave you porched because they're at the Golden Corral or Bingo. The country people forget, too. But they're still home watching Maury. I'd still rather doorknock leads on a route in the city. You're not spending as much time driving, so you have more time for multiple attempts.

We only D2D in sub-divisions where we have targeted lead lists. The rural out of the way homes - we just send our nice full color flyer or door hanger in the mail with a few BRM pieces for FE, MAPD and Medd Supp.
This is not factoring in people not being home/ not answering the door. For me in SoCal back in the day I would spend 75% of my time knocking doors where nobody would answer. Maybe in other areas more people would be home but that was my experience anyways.

What, of course I factored in the not homes, if everyone was home 25 leads would only need 25 knocks and everyone knows it'd be a massive blowout lol