WellCare Action Plan.........

Like everyone here, I'm just as enraged as all of you. But I think the silver lining here in this insanely evil, greedy, and absolutely unprecedented move to strip hard-working agents of their hard-earned commissions is, we need to start organizing (essentially unionizing, of sorts), gaining political power, keeping a CLOSE eye on these carriers and their executives, and most importantly......I think we need to start making some demands of our own.

Keep in mind, we brokers do have a lot of influence and sway over our clients. My clients are like family to me. I recently relayed what this company did, and they were not pleased at all to hear this. A few of the ones I told are with WellCare. I implore everyone to share the story of what WellCare did to anyone and everyone....your clients, the news media, local politicians, etc.

This is something that really resonates with the average person, because they can easily put themselves in our shoes. We are just small mom and pop business owners that are trying to put food on the table and help people we care about. And then here comes some greedy and evil CEO (yes that's you, MICHAEL CARSON) that decides he's gonna steal our future pay, steal our renewals, and with many of our clients already with his company, apparently we should now do free work servicing them, in his mind. This is literal slave labor.

This puts us in a no-win situation, and was a deliberate trap. He knew what he was doing by offering $0 premium plans. I don't know much about the topic, but I know this has to violate some sort of labor law. Our clients are with them, and we still have to service them and basically work for free, according to MICHAEL CARSON.

What I say we demand when we are meeting with ALL of these insurance companies in these upcoming 2025 rollout meetings is a pledge that renewals will NEVER be touched, under ANY circumstances. Keep in mind, these companies are still compensated VERY well for Medicare Advantage, and competition is still fierce amongst them.

They all want all the people we can bring to them. Those that are actually doing the right thing by the clients and us are the ones that should be rewarded. We want this to simply be a given. ETHICS! These companies make us sign ethics agreements. Great....then how about practicing them YOURSELVES!

Here's your chance to show us you practice what you preach, insurance companies. The same way some of the companies pledged to never have our clients stolen by their own in-house agents, they can do the same with renewals.

If anyone also has any other ideas, please feel free to add them, and I encourage all the dialogue and as much brainstorming as possible. Again, this move was INSANELY greedy and completely unprecedented. Many hard-working agents just lost $20k, 30k, 40k with the swipe of MICHAEL CARSON'S pen. This has to stop. This cannot be something we are worrying about year-after-year.

The message to convey to ALL of these companies is....what we want is untouchable vesting of our EARNED renewals, and we want it IMMEDIATELY. We want an unending contract that is not able to be legally terminated (in regard to our renewals), that states that our existing renewal pay belongs to us and will never be arbitrarily stripped away on the whim of some greedy and evil CEO.
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email the Market Managers as well. If they get enough emails and phone calls it will move up the food chain. Here are a few contacts I know of:

Joey Anselmo
Senior Director of Broker Sales- North Florida
WellCare Health Plans, Inc.
6801 W. Colonial Dr. Suite E
Orlando FL 32818
PH: 1-407-253-7633
FX: 1-813-283-5495
Cell: 407-267-0269
[email protected]

Michael Gundy
Regional Agency Manager
[email protected]
Like everyone here, I'm just as enraged as all of you. But I think the silver lining here in this insanely evil, greedy, and absolutely unprecedented move to strip hard-working agents of their hard-earned commissions is, we need to start organizing (essentially unionizing, of sorts), gaining political power, keeping a CLOSE eye on these carriers and their executives, and most importantly......I think we need to start making some demands of our own.

Keep in mind, we brokers do have a lot of influence and sway over our clients. My clients are like family to me. I recently relayed what this company did, and they were not pleased at all to hear this. A few of the ones I told are with WellCare. I implore everyone to share the story of what WellCare did to anyone and everyone....your clients, the news media, local politicians, etc.

This is something that really resonates with the average person, because they can easily put themselves in our shoes. We are just small mom and pop business owners that are trying to put food on the table and help people we care about. And then here comes some greedy and evil CEO (yes that's you, MICHAEL CARSON) that decides he's gonna steal our future pay, steal our renewals, and with many of our clients already with his company, apparently we should now do free work servicing them, in his mind. This is literal slave labor.

This puts us in a no-win situation, and was a deliberate trap. He knew what he was doing by offering $0 premium plans. I don't know much about the topic, but I know this has to violate some sort of labor law. Our clients are with them, and we still have to service them and basically work for free, according to MICHAEL CARSON.

What I say we demand when we are meeting with ALL of these insurance companies in these upcoming 2025 rollout meetings is a pledge that renewals will NEVER be touched, under ANY circumstances. Keep in mind, these companies are still compensated VERY well for Medicare Advantage, and competition is still fierce amongst them.

They all want all the people we can bring to them. Those that are actually doing the right thing by the clients and us are the ones that should be rewarded. We want this to simply be a given. ETHICS! These companies make us sign ethics agreements. Great....then how about practicing them YOURSELVES! The same way some of the companies pledged to never have our clients stolen by their own in-house agents, they can do the same with renewals.

If anyone also has any other ideas, please feel free to add them, and I encourage all the dialogue and as much brainstorming as possible. Again, this move was INSANELY greedy and completely unprecedented. Many hard-working agents just lost $20k, 30k, 40k with the swipe of MICHAEL CARSON'S pen. This has to stop. This cannot be something we are worrying about year-after-year.

The message to convey to ALL of these companies is....what we want is untouchable vesting of our EARNED renewals, and we want it IMMEDIATELY. We want an unending contract that is not able to be legally terminated (in regard to our renewals), that states that our existing renewal pay belongs to us and will never be arbitrarily stripped away on the whim of some greedy and evil CEO.
I said the same thing the other day (in the other thread) about creating a health insurance agents union.. It would be harder to screw over a collective body of agents, then it would a bunch of unconnected sub-contractors indy agents.

FMOs aren't going to stand up for us. They're busy fighting being on the chopping block themselves.

Could 1099 subcontractors unionize?
I said the same thing the other day (in the other thread) about creating a health insurance agents union.. It would be harder to screw over a collective body of agents, then it would a bunch of unconnected sub-contractors indy agents.

FMOs aren't going to stand up for us. They're busy fighting being on the chopping block themselves.

Could 1099 subcontractors unionize?
Didn't help John Hancock agents back in the 70's and a union for agents today would certainly not work.
I said the same thing the other day (in the other thread) about creating a health insurance agents union.. It would be harder to screw over a collective body of agents, then it would a bunch of unconnected sub-contractors indy agents.

FMOs aren't going to stand up for us. They're busy fighting being on the chopping block themselves.

Could 1099 subcontractors unionize?
Union would be fast track to dissolution of all 1099 agents
Like everyone here, I'm just as enraged as all of you. But I think the silver lining here in this insanely evil, greedy, and absolutely unprecedented move to strip hard-working agents of their hard-earned commissions is, we need to start organizing (essentially unionizing, of sorts), gaining political power, keeping a CLOSE eye on these carriers and their executives, and most importantly......I think we need to start making some demands of our own.

Keep in mind, we brokers do have a lot of influence and sway over our clients. My clients are like family to me. I recently relayed what this company did, and they were not pleased at all to hear this. A few of the ones I told are with WellCare. I implore everyone to share the story of what WellCare did to anyone and everyone....your clients, the news media, local politicians, etc.

This is something that really resonates with the average person, because they can easily put themselves in our shoes. We are just small mom and pop business owners that are trying to put food on the table and help people we care about. And then here comes some greedy and evil CEO (yes that's you, MICHAEL CARSON) that decides he's gonna steal our future pay, steal our renewals, and with many of our clients already with his company, apparently we should now do free work servicing them, in his mind. This is literal slave labor.

This puts us in a no-win situation, and was a deliberate trap. He knew what he was doing by offering $0 premium plans. I don't know much about the topic, but I know this has to violate some sort of labor law. Our clients are with them, and we still have to service them and basically work for free, according to MICHAEL CARSON.

What I say we demand when we are meeting with ALL of these insurance companies in these upcoming 2025 rollout meetings is a pledge that renewals will NEVER be touched, under ANY circumstances. Keep in mind, these companies are still compensated VERY well for Medicare Advantage, and competition is still fierce amongst them.

They all want all the people we can bring to them. Those that are actually doing the right thing by the clients and us are the ones that should be rewarded. We want this to simply be a given. ETHICS! These companies make us sign ethics agreements. Great....then how about practicing them YOURSELVES! The same way some of the companies pledged to never have our clients stolen by their own in-house agents, they can do the same with renewals.

If anyone also has any other ideas, please feel free to add them, and I encourage all the dialogue and as much brainstorming as possible. Again, this move was INSANELY greedy and completely unprecedented. Many hard-working agents just lost $20k, 30k, 40k with the swipe of MICHAEL CARSON'S pen. This has to stop. This cannot be something we are worrying about year-after-year.

The message to convey to ALL of these companies is....what we want is untouchable vesting of our EARNED renewals, and we want it IMMEDIATELY. We want an unending contract that is not able to be legally terminated (in regard to our renewals), that states that our existing renewal pay belongs to us and will never be arbitrarily stripped away on the whim of some greedy and evil CEO.
A mapd agreement for commissions is a 1 yr agreement with all carriers . Any carrier as we’re seeing now with Aetna and Humana can simply cancel the old plan on any county they want and not crosswalk the plan . I have to move a ton of plans non renewing . So in reality my renewals were stolen. WellCare agents can move their clients to other plans just like me . I read that agents only produce 1/3 of all medicare sales . The vast majority are done online by clients or done by company call centers
Funny. On one hand agents want the govt to stay the F away from our biz, but the other hand wants to unionize agents so the govt can get involved in our business.

We are already have orgs for agents.... nabip, hafa, naifa. Join if you want a voice
You must be strategic. If you fight one company, you may win, but you could face the same problem with another company later.

Take your fight to the rule maker, CMS. Could CMS write the rules to include a minimum commission? I believe they can.

Yes, maybe PDP premiums would face more pressure to increase. CMS has recently shown us they will further subsidize the premiums to keep the tolerable.

Who holds CMS leadership accountable? Not the voters.

Take this to congress.

Take this to national media outlets.

Beneficiaries will lose service as a result of this. They likely will lose options as well. You think that cigna premium looks competitive? You think cigna PDP will be an option in a year from now, when hcsc is trying to buy humana?

Dont forget, you are also a future medicare beneficiary. You are paying into this system currently. You must speak up for all of the other future beneficiaries (taxpayers), that dont understand what is happening.
The number one and only way I see agents making a real impact is to (a) refrain from selling any new WellCare MA plans while simultaneously (b) moving your active WellCare MA book to other carriers.

This is how you get back at them. They want MA business. Make them turn in a loss this AEP.