Wellcare PDP Class Action Suit


Like many here I will be losing a good amount of money if Wellcare does not pay my commissions on my clients that will auto-renew. I have asked Wellcare management to qualify whether the non-payment of renewals means for PDP clients that happen to move to Wellcare this year, or does it target my existing book renewals? I have not seen any written communications from Wellcare on the subject.

If indeed they are cutting the existing-client renewal commisions, is anyone working on a class action lawsuit ? I know that other people have negative opinions about class actions, but this one would not be typical. In this case the damages are easy to quantify, and the aggrieved pool is easy to identify and qualify. A case like this one should be just actual damages, plus legal fees plus legal expenses . With 6 million members, even if only half are agent sold, Wellcare is taking some $150 million from agents. I think these numbers are suffcient to interest decent attorneys.

I know many will be reluctant to do anything, preferring to bellyache and retaliate against Wellcare, however, we should be clear that if one carrier does this and gets away with it, the rest of them will sit up, take notice, and see such a strategy as a way to improve the bottom line in difficult times. What if some decide that regular MAPD's are also targetable? This could be an industry destroyer if we do not respond. At my age, I am just not ready to re-invent myself for what would be about the fifth time.

If someone else has some process started, I will be happy to join. If not, then I will start talking to some attorneys and see if there is any interest.
Complete agree with you. Some brokers and agents really need to stop this "Damn...awe shucks, oh well, what can you do?" attitude. Stuff like this emboldens other carriers to perk up and think they can do the same. This has to be met with FULL FORCE. I cannot stress this enough.

Get in the faces of all WellCare area reps and let them know how pissed off you are, that you will NEVER be writing any sort of business with WellCare ever again, and that you will be badmouthing them to everyone and anyone. And a lawsuit also needs to be a given.

We need to also be DEMANDING from other carriers a pledge to never ever touch our renewals under any circumstances.

This is also a great opportunity for other insurance companies to step up and show how much of a good guy they are and make a pledge to agents to never do this.

If I was a CEO of other companies, that's what I would be doing. Doing the right thing and treating brokers well breeds loyalty and more business.

But this (specifically our vested renewals) is something we need IN WRITING, and not just a BS one year contract.

What this moron CEO (Michael Carson) did is a classic case of what's called "penny wise but pound (dollar) foolish." Sure, you saved some money this year, but you have created a wrath that will be enormous. The amount of money you are gonna lose from the bad karmic fallout of this will be astronomical.
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And I lost a lot of money when Obama and Biden eliminated short term medical plans.

I lost a lot of money when all my grandfathered IFP plans were cancelled when obamacare launched.

I lost tons of $$ when obamacare market crashed and went to $0 commish in 2017

I lost lifetime level med supp renewals when bcbs az decided to stop paying commissions due to massive ACA losses back in 2018. Ez $100k lost since then.

It happens. Get used to it.
The Wellcare reps are all re-treads from other companies. They will soon be moving on as a natural thing. Yelling at them will be likeeating a Chinese Food snack. We will be hungry again in 20 minutes and nothing will happen.

The other companies will not do zilch. Right now no one wants the PDP market. If the CEO gets away with this, Wall Street will notice, and the others will be under the gun to produce similar results. I have been here before. This is the outcome of the "next quarter" mentality of American corporate business exacerbated by an out-of-control regulatory agency.

I think once Wellcare starts receiving legal papers and demands for information on discovery, they may start to reconsider their actions.
BTW, I am not so sure that we are at the class action point. I still have not seen a formal announcement from Wellcare about this. I have requested clarification and so far gotten none.
And I lost a lot of money when Obama and Biden eliminated short term medical plans.

I lost a lot of money when all my grandfathered IFP plans were cancelled when obamacare launched.

I lost tons of $$ when obamacare market crashed and went to $0 commish in 2017
I dont know where you are at, but the ACA market commission never went to $0 here in Fla. I also lost my IFP biz during the years when Obamacare was coming out and people thought that all plans would be free. That is a market...sometimes they are good, other times they are not.

If a company decides not to pay commissions next year, that is their right. They produce an amendment to their contract and do it. You then as a company live with the consequences of your decision in the marketplace. However, this is different. This is business that was sold under terms and conditions that called for payment of renewals. If you do not want to pay those renewals, then you can cancel ALL the plans, and let the clients re-up via some other mechanisms (without agents), but they will not do it that way because that is a huge financial risk, and putting their hands in their agent's pockets seems to be a much easier way to get $180 million per year.