Once again you open your mouth and prove your ignorance.
The only ignorance here is yours. You claim to serve the senior market but you don't have the first idea of how seniors feel about the AARP. You are the typical insurance agent who thinks he knows more about seniors... but who does not know s--t.
What part of that is not documented well enough for you AL?
You see? You don't get it. You are not a senior. You are a 28 year old *** who somehow thinks that he knows all there is to know about those much older. My bet you are just another con man out to screw over seniors. I can't prove it, but I sure as hell suspect it.
Do you have some insider information the rest of us don't know about?
Insider info? What is this? The CIA? There are some 35 million members of this organization. So they are ALL stupid? They are ALL "taken in?" They are all idiots?
You really think that all 35 million of us are just being sold a bill of good by the AARP? Well fine. You go and tell your clients that and then tell me how well that works for you.
Look, son. I know insurance agents are not always the brightest bulbs on the Christmas tree, but if you are going to work in the senior market (which I sincerely doubt you really do) you need to understand that the AARP is the ONLY organization (warts and all) that has our best interests at heart.
Do YOU? Not on your best day. I have no doubt that with the attitude you have expressed here that you hold all of us in disdain.
One day you are going to express this to some senior... and he or she is going to kick your ass across the street. I sure hope it can be me... or my wife (who was once a surgical RN and can turn you from a rooster to a hen in a New York minute.)
The Jackass