Cold Knocking

These are great stories and motivation to those just starting out and strapped for cash. I applaud everyone of yoy for being able to do the cold knocking thing...

You have inspired me to drink more beer while reading this was hot as hell in GA today...You guys are troopers

I'm in South Louisiana. You're practically a yankee. You don't know what hot is. :1cute:
I'm in South Louisiana. You're practically a yankee. You don't know what hot is. :1cute:

Which makes it even crazier you were door God made telephones and air conditioning, so we could stay out of the heat ;)


I forgot to pm Sirherbie back. I though he was another fly by night newby. I will pm him now...

I think he'll do as stays outta my territory ;)
Yeah, thanks. I don't think it could be done just anywhere. I picked a neighborhood that has a high concentration of "my people", which are different that JD's people. I got about 80 hits on my list from this neighborhood. I was able to walk, and I had old leads cards with the neighbors names on them and even already had clients in the neighborhood so I was able to drop names (I called ahead and got permission first). But hell, let's say we could only do half as well in a neighborhood where the deck is less stacked, that's still $1500 in 12 hours. Easily done in two days, and not a bad living. I wouldn't prefer it over running leads, but that's just because of the time involved. ALthough I gotta say, managing lead flow and calling for appointments sometimes is just as time consuming as driving around knocking doors. At the end of the day, it pays to buy leads because you can just make more money faster. And like Travis pointed out in a different post, maximizing first year income turns into a significant renewal income. BUT, and this is a biggie, you don't have to buy leads to make a living in this business. You can buy a list for $50 bucks and make a damn good living. I had forgotten that and this thread inspired me to prove it to myself. If anyone wants to know what I wore or the nation of origin of the car I used for door knocking I will send a picture for $10 bucks. I accept paypal.

That should be inspirational to everyone who doesn't have leads. It always amazes me when new agents are not leaving the house because they are in between leads. If you are hungry you are going to get in front of people. Nothing will stop you.

I've never had a door knocking day that I didn't sell at least one policy. And I didn't even use a list. I just picked a neighborhood and knocked every door that looked like they were home.

You are a trooper to be doing it in this weather. But successful agents do what others are not willing to do.
Suggestion: You might try another approach in lieu of Final Expense and that is the Question of Survivor Income. Depending up on the affluence of the prospective, and I assume its female at the door. The universal concern of most is the question of the amount of Guaranteed Lifetime Survivor Income and its source, will there be enough? Ask, "Would you be interested hearing about a unique product that provides Survivor Income and can replace the lost Social Security income at death for either you or your spouse?" What do you think?
GOD did not make them.... Alexander Bell and Thomas Edison did..... That's what I was told anyway.

Make sure you write out the checks to the correct company.... I don't think GOD pays your phone/electric bills.

God made those people, who in turn gave us those things...Therefore god made it...reverse engineering...or something like that. You got the point, just trying to stir stuff up. Not gonna happen was a good week!