Cold Knocking

OMG...I'll be having nightmares tonight!

Speaking of nightmares, I had a prostrate exam today. My Dr. has a good sense of humor. After explaining what he'd be doing, he asked me, "you're not a lawyer are you?" I said that I wasn't. He said, "that's good, because if you were, we have something much bigger for you and no lube." He shook my hand as I was leaving and said, "oh, that's the hand we made friends with".:twitchy:

Oh man hilarious got a cool I kinda think he wasn't kidding about the lawyer stuff
I just finished putting my list in order for tomorrow. I've got roughly 75 doors locked into my GPS. I'll report tomorrow night how the day went.

how's it going Pony? I door knock and average about 50 doors per app. if your averaging 600ap for every 10 doors that's damn good.[/QUOTE]

Well, I know my numbers work but Tuesday it seemed like nobody was home.

I went out on Monday but called my day after two hours due to family issues. My mother-in-law has state 4 cervical cancer, so that is putting a little hamper on production.

Anyway, I knocked 70 doors on Tuesday. Out of those 70 doors I got 6 people with interest. I went back that night at 6pm to one of the homes and into the presentation found out there was no money, it was a husband and wife.

Wed I ran leads just DK'ing. Wrote two apps for 1600AP.

Today I will be list DK'ing in my sweet spot area. I will report back.
Well, I know my numbers work but Tuesday it seemed like nobody was home.

I went out on Monday but called my day after two hours due to family issues. My mother-in-law has state 4 cervical cancer, so that is putting a little hamper on production.

Anyway, I knocked 70 doors on Tuesday. Out of those 70 doors I got 6 people with interest. I went back that night at 6pm to one of the homes and into the presentation found out there was no money, it was a husband and wife.

Wed I ran leads just DK'ing. Wrote two apps for 1600AP.

Today I will be list DK'ing in my sweet spot area. I will report back.[/QUOTE]

This week I found myself out of fresh leads on Tuesday so, being a fan of door knocking, I decided to see if I could keep up with you. So Tuesday night I went to Josh's website and dropped fifty bucks. I built a list in a neighborhood near my house where I get good results from mailers. I knocked Wed and today. Results:

Knocked 41 doors
Talked to 19 people
Got into 5 houses
Wrote three apps.
$1548 AP
Maybe 5 or 6 hours work.
That's awesome. I would have told someone they were crazy to even try that, but to write $1500 in 6 hours is impressive. Nicely done!
That's awesome. I would have told someone they were crazy to even try that, but to write $1500 in 6 hours is impressive. Nicely done!

Yeah, thanks. I don't think it could be done just anywhere. I picked a neighborhood that has a high concentration of "my people", which are different that JD's people. I got about 80 hits on my list from this neighborhood. I was able to walk, and I had old leads cards with the neighbors names on them and even already had clients in the neighborhood so I was able to drop names (I called ahead and got permission first).

But hell, let's say we could only do half as well in a neighborhood where the deck is less stacked, that's still $1500 in 12 hours. Easily done in two days, and not a bad living. I wouldn't prefer it over running leads, but that's just because of the time involved. ALthough I gotta say, managing lead flow and calling for appointments sometimes is just as time consuming as driving around knocking doors.

At the end of the day, it pays to buy leads because you can just make more money faster. And like Travis pointed out in a different post, maximizing first year income turns into a significant renewal income.

BUT, and this is a biggie, you don't have to buy leads to make a living in this business. You can buy a list for $50 bucks and make a damn good living. I had forgotten that and this thread inspired me to prove it to myself.

If anyone wants to know what I wore or the nation of origin of the car I used for door knocking I will send a picture for $10 bucks. I accept paypal.
These are great stories and motivation to those just starting out and strapped for cash. I applaud everyone of yoy for being able to do the cold knocking thing...

You have inspired me to drink more beer while reading this was hot as hell in GA today...You guys are troopers
These are great stories and motivation to those just starting out and strapped for cash. I applaud everyone of yoy for being able to do the cold knocking thing...

You have inspired me to drink more beer while reading this was hot as hell in GA today...You guys are troopers

I was wondering if I was the only one drinking tonight. I'm glad I'm not the only moron here now...:twitchy: