Cold Knocking

From a list?................

Yep. Same list I was using to make a handful of sales on Wed and Thursday. I posted today's results just to make the point that although you can be successful knocking from a list, it is a lot harder than running leads.

I love door knocking but only because I enjoy it. For making more money faster run leads. Can't afford leads? Buy a list and door knock.
Yep. Same list I was using to make a handful of sales on Wed and Thursday. I posted today's results just to make the point that although you can be successful knocking from a list, it is a lot harder than running leads.

I love door knocking but only because I enjoy it. For making more money faster run leads. Can't afford leads? Buy a list and door knock.

Can you guys take this to another thread? I'm trying to keep up with the pool party...
I've had a few people reach out to me wanting to know what my "secret sauce" is for cold knocking a list. Well, It's really not rocket surgery, so I figured I would post how I approach a cold door off a list and what I say.
If any body has any feedback...have at it.

I'm familiar with Rocket Science and Brain surgery. Rocket surgery though....that's a new one to me.
True story: Had an actual brain surgeon in the office this week (no, not giving me an estimate) turning 65.

Like everyone he had a little problem understanding all his options at first.

I kept thinking the whole time that for him Medicare IS more complicated than brain surgery.
Suggestion: You might try another approach in lieu of Final Expense and that is the Question of Survivor Income. Depending up on the affluence of the prospective, and I assume its female at the door. The universal concern of most is the question of the amount of Guaranteed Lifetime Survivor Income and its source, will there be enough? Ask, "Would you be interested hearing about a unique product that provides Survivor Income and can replace the lost Social Security income at death for either you or your spouse?" What do you think?

Really pushing that product I see.


If we're going to get philosophical about it, God created man and shouldn't credit for all of mans creation go to God? God created people, including Alexander Bell and Thomas Edison, they created the phone, therefore God created the phone. :D

By that reasoning God is responsible for Obama.