Facebook Ad's Need Help!

Yes, you'll be dealing with leads who may not be ready to buy right now, but they still represent viable prospects who've raised their hand

My point is if you offer an incentive, many will "raise their hand" because of the incentive and not for the actual offer. Still a waste of ad spend with your logic.

Secondly, to address your second point does the answer even matter...?

It matters. You're drumming up business on this forum as a creative, yet you're not even creative with your book title.

I don't want agents mistaking my book for yours. That's why it really matters. I'm asking you to change the title.
Hey everyone,

I'm an agent and I was curious if anything has worked for any of you when creating Facebook Ad's to generate Life/Medicare leads. I have thrown some money at Facebook Ad's but they haven't gotten the job done. I'm not a struggling agent and I DON'T want to sign a new contract with any other company, but I'm just looking for another stream of leads that is unique. I know there is a lead system out there killing it with Facebook leads but I'm not interested in paying $25-$40/lead especially since they have a guarantee that they don't give refunds. Honestly I need help from start to finish and I'm willing to pay someone that knows what they're doing as long as the price is right. Let me know if you have anything that really seems to get people interested on Life Insurance/Medicare Ad's and a inexpensive way to create a landing page. I already have a good warm market but, I want to open another avenue to receive qualified individuals in my community that need the coverage. Let me know what you think!

Appreciate it!

I commented on something similar in a different thread.

FB is not the most ideal place for Medicare marketing vs. P&C marketing. Life is hit or miss. Even with the best ad copy, gaining traction there could be more trouble than it is worth.

Google PPC may be a better option, but that gets REAL pricey. The FIB (Finance, Insurance, and Banking) industry keywords are super competitive and the price continues to go up for premier ad space. If you are willing to pay $20+ per click to google (whether you get the lead or not), you may see a bit more traction. You could also target some less popular keywords and save a bit on the click, just depends on your overall strategy.

As far as landing pages go, you get what you pay for. Is this just an email/phone capture for you to personally follow up on or does the landing page capture the lead info and drop it into an email drip? What about the email automations? Are your funnels set up on the backend? Do you have the time to write ALL the copy for the email campaign? The more automated... the more expense, but the less you have to mess with.

If you are looking to just do something basic, Wix is a fine solution. If you want to stand out and make it a more passive process, the cost for the solutions goes up.
Once again, the question and answer are both irrelevant.

A question like which book is better?

Or which one sold more copies...

Those would be more relevant questions. ;)

When I ask the relative questions on here they don't get answered and I usually get attacked.

However when a person has a business that an insurance agent is their consumer, I feel the questions are fair and should be given specific answers.
The #1 mistake this fella made was coming on this forum with that book title, as soon as I saw it - before Root mentioned it - I immediately wrote this guy off as a huckster, he might as well change the company name now lol.