Why did he want tyou to come back on the 5th? Is that when he will get paid? If so gthen go ahead and write it up and set the first draft for the 5th of next month.
If he's not willing to do that then there is another objection. Going back on the 5th of next month will only expose this other objection.
He gets paid on the 5th and it would be direct bill. It's far from 'inked' but I understand the idea.
I had another suspect tell me to come back on the 3rd, my reply was verbatim, what's going to be different in 3 weeks?
reply: I dunno
at this point, I figured it was a polite, yet time wasting, no. I pressed on about you need to have a plan that you can afford even when times are tough, if you let it lapse you'll have no money and no coverage.
I was working with a husband and wife.
"let's get a plan in place for one of you, let that settle in the budget and add the other one in a couple of months"
still.... "not now"
"who's gonna pay for those final expenses"?
"I guess my sister will have to chip in"
at this point, I was grasping for a polite way to say that's not your sister's responsibility, but felt like everything was falling on deaf/broke ears.
I was already at $20/mo each for them, but they are living in an old RV, and I got sold on the idea that they did not have $20/mo.