I Failed At Door Knocking

Why did he want tyou to come back on the 5th? Is that when he will get paid? If so gthen go ahead and write it up and set the first draft for the 5th of next month.

If he's not willing to do that then there is another objection. Going back on the 5th of next month will only expose this other objection.

He gets paid on the 5th and it would be direct bill. It's far from 'inked' but I understand the idea.

I had another suspect tell me to come back on the 3rd, my reply was verbatim, what's going to be different in 3 weeks?
reply: I dunno
at this point, I figured it was a polite, yet time wasting, no. I pressed on about you need to have a plan that you can afford even when times are tough, if you let it lapse you'll have no money and no coverage.
I was working with a husband and wife.
"let's get a plan in place for one of you, let that settle in the budget and add the other one in a couple of months"
still.... "not now"
"who's gonna pay for those final expenses"?
"I guess my sister will have to chip in"

at this point, I was grasping for a polite way to say that's not your sister's responsibility, but felt like everything was falling on deaf/broke ears.

I was already at $20/mo each for them, but they are living in an old RV, and I got sold on the idea that they did not have $20/mo.
so let me get this straight the idea of door knocking is to knock on 40 to 50 doors and then hope you get a few appointments for some later date in time.

Stop right there because if that's how its supposed to work; I think I'd rather drive a truck

RIP Ricky Nelson
"who's gonna pay for those final expenses"?
"I guess my sister will have to chip in"

at this point, I was grasping for a polite way to say that's not your sister's responsibility, but felt like everything was falling on deaf/broke ears.
They don't care what you think, they care what they think. Not everyone is a prospect, time to move on.
If FE prospects don't have computers then how are companies developing internet leads for FE?

Where are those being developed?

As for the one reply that got a sale from FB, whoop dee damn doo!! Well, I got a sale on two $500,000 term policies and 4 whole life on the children from one family because I was wearing an ins company logo shirt when I went into their business and they asked what it was.

I should ditch the whole lead buying process because that one sale right there proves that you can do business just by wearing a shirt.:yes:


Then use AmAm or UHL. They both let you wite the app, do the phone interview and will bill them for the fist month.

I would not go back to a monthly bill prospect. I very seldom write monthly bill now and I will only do it when I'm there if I decide to offer it at all.

People like that are agent killers. Let them kill another one. Don't let it be you.

He gets paid on the 5th and it would be direct bill. It's far from 'inked' but I understand the idea.

I had another suspect tell me to come back on the 3rd, my reply was verbatim, what's going to be different in 3 weeks?
reply: I dunno
at this point, I figured it was a polite, yet time wasting, no. I pressed on about you need to have a plan that you can afford even when times are tough, if you let it lapse you'll have no money and no coverage.
I was working with a husband and wife.
"let's get a plan in place for one of you, let that settle in the budget and add the other one in a couple of months"
still.... "not now"
"who's gonna pay for those final expenses"?
"I guess my sister will have to chip in"

at this point, I was grasping for a polite way to say that's not your sister's responsibility, but felt like everything was falling on deaf/broke ears.

I was already at $20/mo each for them, but they are living in an old RV, and I got sold on the idea that they did not have $20/mo.
Thanks for the advice guys. Really appreciated. Im gonna keep my head up and keep at it...one day at a time. I think the thing that threw me off was how much was going on in the neighborhoods. From girls selling lemonade to tag sales to people mowing the lawn, etc. I don't know why I expected people to be in there houses. I just have to get used to this type of environment.

Im gonna keep at it and will update this thread with my future outings. I will probably buy DM leads in the future but I cant afford right now as money is real tight. Im gonna work this method in the meantime. Thanks again.

Update-- I went out today for my 2nd attempt at this. I cold door knocked 7 houses. One old lady said I was just about to take a nap/not interested. Another guy was rushing to work. I kept it simple like other people said...Hey my name is x and Im a local insurance agent....just meeting people in the neighborhood... Id like to give you my card...do you have life insurance?

I felt nervous on every house but Im happy im making progress. I will probably go out again on Sunday when more people are home. I hope to do a lot more than 7 on sunday but its tough and im happy to be making progress.
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