My Medicare Advantage Experience Thus Far...

Just keep doing what you are doing guys! It is obviously working or they wouldn't be hating on it every chance they got. If we were doing something bad, the competition would not say a word because they would want us to continue down that path of destruction. It is impossible to be successful without gaining some haters along the way.

Peter, the agents you have helped are extremely grateful to be learning the Medicare market. They are already with these people, so they pick up extra money!

But again, it is not for everyone. The agents of mine (and usually the ones on here) that complain about it probably do the same thing about FE. I see agents that won't buy a single lead, has not produced a single policy, yet they talk about how this is too much work or takes too long to get going, etc. Those people lack work ethic and drive.

The ones that I see being successful with it are ALREADY successful in FE. Those agents are writing 5-10 per week doing this. Our Agent Hotline has changed it seems. Seems like Monday and Friday is the days that I see all of the MAPD dings for the most part. Agents just set aside days to go get those sales done.

As far as an up line saying they were waiting to find the right person to run it before letting the agents sell Med Sups, I don't agree with that. I can teach my 8 year old about med sups in 10 minutes. I also wouldn't hire a "superstar" med sup guy that became a "superstar" by selling over the phone, but I am getting him to teach my FIELD agents how to do it...

Peter has been a blessing to the whole organization. Every single time I call him, he is in some state in the car with one of my agents. It does not get any better than that. And I am not talking about it happening ONCE just so I can get some videos of the trip and blast them everywhere to make agents THINK that this is the norm. He is literally in the car with agents each week.

Brandon, just keep going buddy. You are writing over $30k per month in ISSUED business. We don't just guess and do videos so we can market on your numbers. Love when I see the videos and every single agent writes 10k per week. It is the old Parker method...."How much did you write this week?" $12,500! On the next call..."Joe agent wrote $12,500 in premium is first week with us!"

Some people run a business from their basement and some run a company. Me and Eric talk weekly and see where we want to spend our over rides. We put it all back in the company to build things that helps the agents.

Agents love to have an actual company working for them...
You are with a client that has an annuity and you have no clue what to do? Call in to the Annuity specialist to help you. What if you have a huge case you need to issue with a Universal Life and you are 1 month into the business? Scott will walk you through that step by step. You want a website to put on business cards so your clients can see who you are and also find out about other products? The marketing team will build that for you.

Agents love to be able to see the leaderboard with actual issued numbers.
They love to be able to run reports to show closing percentage, premium per lead, average app size, etc.
Being able to go to the Road Shows free of charge and rub elbows with other elite producers.
Having a shopping cart to jump in and get leads anytime they need to.
Having an online store to get delivery notices, sales kits, etc. when they need it. (At cost! No need in marking it up on them.)
Access to appointment setters (without up charging them so we can make a few bucks)

But some people are either not willing or not making the money to provide those services. So instead of letting an ELITE producer share his experience on here, they have to come in and start bashing. If you can't beat them, throw mud at them I guess.

And RIrwin, it is confusing to me also. He stopped doing MAPD in 2009 because he hates it. Now all of a sudden he has been doing MAPD for 4 years. Then a few months ago he found this "superstar" and now offers it? That doesn't add up at all. And if it IS true, that means that he thinks MAPD is good enough for HIM but not his agents. Kinda like him running a card MAXXED out with filters, but telling agents that filters are not needed?

***I will say this though...I do not know this Medicare "superstar", so I am in no way knocking his accomplishments. He is probably good at what he does. He just needs to get any agreements in writing since some people have been known for not honoring their word in these agreements."

It is 2018, if you are happy with your program, just keep doing what you are doing! If you are "jealous" of the competition, then work to make YOUR program better.

Happy Easter everyone!
Damn a lot of dik swanging going on here! Mine is bigger guys.

360 needs to get their ish together if they wanna stay in the game it seems.
If 360 is happy with the growth of their business, they do not need to change anything. Some of his down line managers just seem to be stuck on what we are doing.

If what we are doing sucks, then don't do it. If we do something cool, then they can also offer it.

They can't grow my business and I can't grow theirs. I don't care if Brad, Doug and Matt become millionaires! If they do, congrats. But either way, their success or failure doesn't put money in my pocket.

What we do works. I bring on around 20 new agents on DM leads per month. My income also increased 10x in the last year alone. Me and Eric just find ways to use that money to put back in our business.

You can do a lot more with 250k per month than you can with 25k. But both models can work without a doubt. I've done it both ways.
Damn a lot of dik swanging going on here! Mine is bigger guys.

360 needs to get their ish together if they wanna stay in the game it seems.

Naw, not really. This room was the FEX room for a couple years and some other EFES guys would complain that they were being bullied by them (and JD specifically). Now this forum has turned into the EFES room and there's always the same 5 or 6 kool-aid drinkers "liking" eachothers posts and patting eachother on the back. Ironically, here they are trying to pile on at every chance. An inside connection was sending me screen shots of their groupme chat room When the Travis Tubbs thing was going down. One of the "Builders" was telling their agents to create "fake pseudonyms" and tear Travis a new one here on the Forum.

Also what you won't hear is Ben's boss has had to sign over 20 releases in the last month or so of guys leaving Ben & EFES to come to us.

How many jackals does it take to take down a lion?

I'm done with this thread. PILE ON FELLAS

Happy Easter to ALL!