Question about need-a-lead

What is wrong with the under 60? (unless you are writing Aetna) If they sent the card in they must have some interest..And, that age group is more likely to be healthier.. Of course, it may mean working a few evenings.

Writing a plan on a 50 year old is sweet when you get lifetime renewals!
Makes sense. How many have you written this year? Last 2 years? Last 3 years?

Lifetime renewals aren't that uncommon are they? I was just looking through a couple of my contracts and saw several of my companies pay renewals for life. I'm not sure what the lifetime renewals are for most SL agents but I saw .75% which is half of what some other companies pay.

EDIT: After looking again, the renewals are a little confusing with SL because for the Super Preferred, it's a low lifetime renewal of .75% but there are a couple with a respectable 2.5% renewal. I'm not sure why the Preferred is the only one with a renewal of 0% either.


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