Weekend Lead Generation / Sales Testing . . .

We will be conducting another lead generation outting next weekend the 10th.

Who wants to try some Medicare Leads in Savannah, Ga?
Using zip+4 and SmartyStreets so we'd run route like a postal worker.

50 total visits. Total time was 6hours and 15minutes 1st door to last door.

The power of the route planner on display. On average it took you 7.5 minutes per stop (including drive time and door pitch).

Off topic, but one thing I noticed, 50 stops is about what it would take to door knock 25 leads in the same zip. So if someone called to set appointments, I wonder how long it would take to drive to each of their stops, (which would not be in exact route order), plus the time to book the 15 appts. they may get off 25. Perhaps less than 6:15, but I doubt by much.

At 10 minutes avg drive and park time between appointments that would be 2:30. Add another 2:30 for booking if they're highly skilled, and they're at 5:00 hrs for the week. So booking appointments may save 1 hour a week in efficiency, but you'll get into at least 3 less homes when you sprinkle in porched appts. So real efficiency winner, good ole fashioned DK.
The power of the route planner on display. On average it took you 7.5 minutes per stop (including drive time and door pitch).

Off topic, but one thing I noticed, 50 stops is about what it would take to door knock 25 leads in the same zip. So if someone called to set appointments, I wonder how long it would take to drive to each of their stops, (which would not be in exact route order), plus the time to book the 15 appts. they may get off 25. Perhaps less than 6:15, but I doubt by much.

At 10 minutes avg drive and park time between appointments that would be 2:30. Add another 2:30 for booking if they're highly skilled, and they're at 5:00 hrs for the week. So booking appointments may save 1 hour a week in efficiency, but you'll get into at least 3 less homes when you sprinkle in porched appts. So real efficiency winner, good ole fashioned DK.
I like door knocking, whether leads or cold. I'm better in person than over the phone. But that works best in a tight area. If you're mailing area is large, which is often necessary to get an adequate return, appointments are definitely more efficient.
The power of the route planner on display. On average it took you 7.5 minutes per stop (including drive time and door pitch).

Off topic, but one thing I noticed, 50 stops is about what it would take to door knock 25 leads in the same zip. So if someone called to set appointments, I wonder how long it would take to drive to each of their stops, (which would not be in exact route order), plus the time to book the 15 appts. they may get off 25. Perhaps less than 6:15, but I doubt by much.

At 10 minutes avg drive and park time between appointments that would be 2:30. Add another 2:30 for booking if they're highly skilled, and they're at 5:00 hrs for the week. So booking appointments may save 1 hour a week in efficiency, but you'll get into at least 3 less homes when you sprinkle in porched appts. So real efficiency winner, good ole fashioned DK.
This is not factoring in people not being home/ not answering the door. For me in SoCal back in the day I would spend 75% of my time knocking doors where nobody would answer. Maybe in other areas more people would be home but that was my experience anyways.
This is not factoring in people not being home/ not answering the door. For me in SoCal back in the day I would spend 75% of my time knocking doors where nobody would answer. Maybe in other areas more people would be home but that was my experience anyways.
The closer you are to the city, the harder it is to catch people at home. In a rural setting, people don't have as many places to go. But the same is true for appointments. The city people are more likely to forget the appointment and leave you porched because they're at the Golden Corral or Bingo. The country people forget, too. But they're still home watching Maury. I'd still rather doorknock leads on a route in the city. You're not spending as much time driving, so you have more time for multiple attempts.
The closer you are to the city, the harder it is to catch people at home. In a rural setting, people don't have as many places to go. But the same is true for appointments. The city people are more likely to forget the appointment and leave you porched because they're at the Golden Corral or Bingo. The country people forget, too. But they're still home watching Maury. I'd still rather doorknock leads on a route in the city. You're not spending as much time driving, so you have more time for multiple attempts.
Yup!! Especially in SoCal. 2 hours to the beach in one direction & 2 hours to the mountains in another direction. Very hard to catch them home as they'd rather be at the beach!!! :)
This is not factoring in people not being home/ not answering the door. For me in SoCal back in the day I would spend 75% of my time knocking doors where nobody would answer. Maybe in other areas more people would be home but that was my experience anyways.

This is why we use non-agents to generate the D2D leads. Pay them $7.25 + bonus and go, go, go . . .

They hand out a full color flyer or door hanger, ask if they can do a simple survey to help them "pay for college, the baptist missionary trip, provide clothing for their family, etc . . .

Then the businesses on the full color flyer or door hanger pay to be listed and that pays for the D2D labor . . .

Only thing we have found doing this - is it something that has to be managed and may not scale very well. Thus, our new commitment to doing our own TV Commercials. If we need more leads - we just buy more spots and buy spots on different channels. I can't wait till May and see how TV works!