Wellcare silver lining...?

Okay so I just realized the real silver lining...

No PDP commissions... this means less taxes!! Ha, you lose 50k in income, and pay 15k less in taxes! What a deal!

Now if there was only a way to write off the 50k as a loss, that would be helpful.

I am still shocked that the aetna and wellcare didnt at least offer to pay a substantially less commission on the PDP. Couldn't they have offered to pay $12 on renewals and $50 on new biz (half the maximum)... or even less?
I bet nationwide 50% of pdp’s in 2025 were that 50 cent WellCare plan

Yup. I Bet youre right, all the healthy no meds people are on it, and then a lot of the dual, lis market on the classic plan.

Wellcare call center better brush up on the English language, I bet they are gonna have a lot of calls coming up! I know my clients can't understand them.