Door Knockers

"What would be more effective, cold door knocking a neighborhood or getting a list and driving around?

BTW, door knocking sucks when its 109 degrees! If anyone has a phone script to share, please do."

Josh has some on his business website as well as lists you can buy.
What would be more effective, cold door knocking a neighborhood or getting a list and driving around?

BTW, door knocking sucks when its 109 degrees! If anyone has a phone script to share, please do.

I would say in 109 degree heat the time wasted in your car driving to the next house with the AC on might save your life.
Frankly, pre-set appointments are for weaklings. Now mind you, I prefer preset appts, but if you are not comfortable walking up on a porch without an advance appt then maybe the FE biz isn't for you. Everyone who writes a substantial amount of biz also knocks on doors; some more than others.

If you think it will work, YOU are RIGHT; if you think it won't, YOU are RIGHT AGAIN. There are so many ways to make $$$ in this biz, unfortunately there are many times over ways to fail in this biz! Just get belly to belly with someone who has a need, and the rest will fall in place.
Frankly, pre-set appointments are for weaklings. Now mind you, I prefer preset appts, but if you are not comfortable walking up on a porch without an advance appt then maybe the FE biz isn't for you. Everyone who writes a substantial amount of biz also knocks on doors; some more than others.

If you think it will work, YOU are RIGHT; if you think it won't, YOU are RIGHT AGAIN. There are so many ways to make $$$ in this biz, unfortunately there are many times over ways to fail in this biz! Just get belly to belly with someone who has a need, and the rest will fall in place.

I probably don't write a substantial amount of business since I don't doorknock. But that's OK. I will do without the business.

I can't say never but it's very rare. I might doorknock 2 home a month. That's "might". I don't count them and solmetimes I will go months without having to do it.

I know a few successful doorknockers and good on them. It's not for me. Nor is it a requirement in my opinion.
I've done door knocking, etc., but I can't really tell if door knocking has better results vs calling. Any of you guys have any hard proof that door knocking works better or about same as calling...assuming that you have to door knock leads with no phone numbers
I probably don't write a substantial amount of business since I don't doorknock. But that's OK. I will do without the business.

I can't say never but it's very rare. I might doorknock 2 home a month. That's "might". I don't count them and solmetimes I will go months without having to do it.

I know a few successful doorknockers and good on them. It's not for me. Nor is it a requirement in my opinion.

I haven't cold door knocked since cub scouts:no:..meh

Generally speaking, all you need is to order leads on a continuing basis and work those while building up an inventory of people that you couldn't get a hold of. That gives you all the DK time you need. Preferably work those in between blown apts, down time, or extra time.
I've done door knocking, etc., but I can't really tell if door knocking has better results vs calling. Any of you guys have any hard proof that door knocking works better or about same as calling...assuming that you have to door knock leads with no phone numbers

I think they work about the same. But I also think that it's much more efficient to call.
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I'm sure it work. However inefficient it would be. I know a guy that doorknocks to set appointments. That's got to be the most inefficient thing I've ever heard of but he write about $150,000 ap every year.

It does take him 25 to 30 leads per week to get that business but it works for him.

Doorknocking is not for me.

I haven't cold door knocked since cub scouts:no:..meh

Generally speaking, all you need is to order leads on a continuing basis and work those while building up an inventory of people that you couldn't get a hold of. That gives you all the DK time you need. Preferably work those in between blown apts, down time, or extra time.
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