Lead Heroes Review.....

Uh oh Glen! Someone complained about your leads and that you have unethically ripped them off. This forum will forever judge you!
This isn't the MeToo crowd. TM leads are TM leads. I think they're all garbage nowadays, but you know what you're getting when you pay for them. It's your job to dig for the gold.
It's funny how some consumers think. I had a conversation with an agent yesterday that told me he was waiting for leads to come in from his Current up-line. He already paid a few hundred dollars for them. He had no idea what kind of lead it was. We had it narrowed down to being some kind of internet related lead that might be a TM lead. lol

We also see a lot of TM leads sold to agents for over $20 that are of really low quality. This is why I asked the guy, that's complaining about the Lead Heroes leads, if he has ever worked TM leads before. A lot of agents will tell me how terrible the leads are but then have nothing to compare them to. It usually comes down to their lack of skill and talent.

If you ask me, a lead is simply an excuse to get in front of someone! The lead Hero leads serves that purpose and have gotten me in front of lots of prospects.
If you ask me, a lead is simply an excuse to get in front of someone! The lead Hero leads serves that purpose and have gotten me in front of lots of prospects.

Medicare Millionaire's telemarketer seems to do basically the same thing as the lead heroes script - "a licensed agent will contact you in a couple of days - would morning or afternoon be better?" Then they get the "code" word, which really does help the lead remember the call. In my opinion, these leads should not then be called by the agent - these leads should be door knocked! "Hi Miss Mary, I'm the secret agent you were told would be contacting you. Code word is pabst blue ribbon. May I come in?"
Medicare Millionaire's telemarketer seems to do basically the same thing as the lead heroes script - "a licensed agent will contact you in a couple of days - would morning or afternoon be better?" Then they get the "code" word, which really does help the lead remember the call. In my opinion, these leads should not then be called by the agent - these leads should be door knocked! "Hi Miss Mary, I'm the secret agent you were told would be contacting you. Code word is pabst blue ribbon. May I come in?"
A simple switch from a verbal "code" to a secret door knock would increase the ROI by 200%.
A simple switch from a verbal "code" to a secret door knock would increase the ROI by 200%.

I have found that the most effective knock is the "shave and a haircut" knock - and no one has been angry with me for using it. I did try the Dave Duford "police" knock and I had two different prospects get really pissed off and I did not get into either of those homes. I quickly abandoned the police-style knock. I know some here frown on the presumed familiarity of the shave and a haircut, but my two bits is that that knock is a winner. I have found that its effectiveness is increased if I am actually whistling the tune when the prospect opens the door.
I have found that the most effective knock is the "shave and a haircut" knock - and no one has been angry with me for using it. I did try the Dave Duford "police" knock and I had two different prospects get really pissed off and I did not get into either of those homes. I quickly abandoned the police-style knock. I know some here frown on the presumed familiarity of the shave and a haircut, but my two bits is that that knock is a winner. I have found that its effectiveness is increased if I am actually whistling the tune when the prospect opens the door.
I just knock three or four times at the door... the same as I would at a friend's house. I knock firmly but not so loudly that it sounds like I am tearing the door down.