Assumption Closing

You seem to be in full on "Gotcha" mode and I'm one of your targets. My post stands as stated. If you can't read it without taking off your agenda that is your problem, not mine.

What a freak show :chatterbox:

I'm not out to get you, I don't even know who you are. Other than the guy that makes long winded posts talking in circles, runs 2 hour appointments, and is about to start his 2nd week in the field working DM. Other than that I think you're great.
That's what I still use. I've looked at those fancy smancy CRM's, but I can't figure them out. :goofy:
I've been looking at one that you buy for around $450 that has a customizable insurance template. I think it's by ACT.
$450 buys a lot of 3X5 Cards... Al Granum's one card system has been responsible for probably as much insurance sold as CRMs.. :yes:

$450 buys a lot of 3X5 Cards... Al Granum's one card system has been responsible for probably as much insurance sold as CRMs.. :yes:

The beauty of a good CRM is once you put the data in, it requires little effort. It will remind you of events and stores the notes permanently. Not saying 3x5 cards are bad, but it won't remind me that it is Mildred's birthday as soon as I log in.
A thread that started out with awesomeness to only be derailed by the zoo . . .

Things never change in the Zoo :)

$450 buys a lot of 3X5 Cards... Al Granum's one card system has been responsible for probably as much insurance sold as CRMs.. :yes:

I am currently using the electronic web based version of that. Have been since end of 2017. If you are looking for a more friendly way to store, evaluate, recall your prospects as well as clients, I have found it valuable. If you are looking to see how effective you are at your job... it is amazing in shedding light on the job.
How does a user of the one card system deal with storing customer communication.
With a mechanical pencil.

somewhere back in all these threads is a thread where you discussed using the recipe box at great length. Were I to reconsider on doing this, I would want to refind that thread and study on it. I think one of my questions (or question groups) for my imo would be why I should not use this method. I think the biggest possible issue I have seen is how much customer communication it is necessary to save and how you deal with it in conjunction with a paper card system.
How does a user of the one card system deal with storing customer communication.

Dollar, the 1 card system uses a system that helps keep the producer aware of certain key dates so that there is a well placed follow up on prospects (those you want as clients, but may take time, such as older leads) and clients those that you already have on your books.

You use file folders and a filing cabinet.. The one card system is to trigger contact points.

rouse, you should look at the new electronic web based system. You can retrieve your info anywhere. I still keep a file folder and attached original apps (makes you look good when in front of the client) and important additional paper work, also provides a place for new case notes you add while with a client (these can be attached the electronic file as well, or entered in)

The added versatility to Microsoft Office for contacts, notes, and the calendar (google as well) make it a well rounded option.