- 1,912
Now what is truly funny...
Some of the people posting on here about how their "crappy start" made them who they are, are the same people rushing after every newbie with 120% contracts.
I have no idea what Dave's starting deal is, but he is right now to throw around top comp to someone brand new. It takes time and energy to train them, and not all of them will succeed. There is a cost to success and you can either pay with time or energy, and usually a combination of both. Giving up 40 points or more in your first year is a small price to pay to be able to kill it later on at a better contract because you actually know what you are doing and have the work ethic to succeed.
This is exactly why a captive organization can thrive. Most newbys wont make it indy. The numbers dont lie.
SL and LH have something figured out, indy organizations should take note.