Rough Neighborhood

Absolutely. Just to get out there and learn the business. I think people are way to mesmerized by the "Work Smart Not Hard" nonsense. There is no easy way. There is no 4 hour work week. The stress agents put themselves through trying to find the easy way is ridiculous. Perhaps "Work Smart, But Work Hard" would be more appropriate.
I like that!:yes:
Too many agents are afraid to participate in this type of activity.

I think most would say that it is "inefficient", "unsustainable", and many other explanations for not participating in it.

Truth be told... I think many of those and I mean many... lack the natural talent to do so, or lack the work ethic and thick skin needed to get through the "no's" to the "yes's".
I think most would say that it is "inefficient", "unsustainable", and many other explanations for not participating in it.

Truth be told... I think many of those and I mean many... lack the natural talent to do so, or lack the work ethic and thick skin needed to get through the "no's" to the "yes's".
Yep, you have to have thick skin to door knock. :yes:

No Snowflakes allowed. :nah:
I do believe it ... though the quickest, surest way is no doubt with a lead program. But at the same time if 10-3-1 holds up, then it is something to consider. I had a real estate business I started and built through cold doors, and I Had a carpet cleaning business I started and built through door to door. In both cases I carried a flyer with info (content based not mere advertising babble) that I'd leave with the "not interesteds." You'd be surprised how many of those "not interesteds" saved the flyer and eventually called. One thing that helped was that I'd go back to the same neighborhoods 2 to 3 times per year - many would tell me that they called me because they knew I wasn't "fly by night" since they saw me "all the time."

I wonder if something similar might work with this insurance gig.

Oh well, enough thinking and typing, I have another door to knock (lead in hand).
Got a call last month that resulted to me giving them a refrigerator magnet business card last year.. They kept referring to having had insurance with me but let it lapse. Finally figured out who they were and they had never had insurance with me. Just thought they had because my card was on their fridge... :yes:
I have DM, FB, and TM leads right now. The TM's were generated a few days shy of a month ago, and the FB leads were generated over the last weekend. I do not call any of them. I door knock every lead. Yesterday was FB leads only on my route. 10 knocks, four doors opened, porched by two, got in the other two and sold them.

Today a mix of FB, DM, and the month old TM leads. Again only 10 doors knocked (lots of drive time). Three home, got in all three. Sold two of the three. The third was husband only (he was home "sick"). Both he and his wife work so made a Saturday appointment to go back to present to both.

I really like @Agentguy5's mindset: A lead is just an excuse to show up and give a final expense sales presentation. I have sold three year old DM's.

Made contact with 9 FB leads so far - three sales. Still have 11 or so with whom I need to make eyeball to eyeball contact.

Out of 20 TM leads I have made eyeball to eyeball with 7, sold 5 policies to 3 of the leads, and have appointments set with two. I know many do not set appointments at the door. I have a good hit rate with doing so. You can usually tell if someone is genuinely interested having you back but really doesn't have the time at that moment and those who are just trying to blow me off.

The TM leads cost me $240 and so far I have written $4302.48

The FB leads cost me $400 and so far I have written $1679.96 ... with more surely to come ... hopefully tomorrow!

In any event, I will continue to work those TM leads from now until however long it takes me to either get in, get thrown out, or get a door slammed in my face by each one of the remaining leads. Same with the FB leads, and same with my DM leads. Age of the lead is irrelevant to me.

I'm not disputing that the fresher the better. I am however of a mind that "freshness" or "agedness" is more important to the agent than it is to the lead. About once a month I stop by a door where I don't even have the lead in my hand but I know that I have knocked that door 10 times in the past year and a half, and don't yo know I often get in on that eleventh knock and make the sale ... "OMG I can't believe you're here! Holy smokes! I've been trying to meet with you for EIGHT. TEEN. MONTHS! You probably don't even remember sending back that little card about the 2018 benefits for PA residents. Well lucky you din't answer the door in 2018, 'cause the 2019 benefits are EVEN BETTER! May I come in?"

Fvck if I don't love door knocking.
The "safe" neighborhoods aren't nearly as interesting. You and I are definitely cut from the same cloth! Walk, knock, and talk! Rock on, brother!
There a couple of "hollers' in the nearby knobs that I don;t door knock.. Might stumble onto someone's still, pot garden or meth lab.. In either case it could lead to a very uncomfortable situation.. Those guys carry things that make my little .380 look like a pop gun.. :yes:
There a couple of "hollers' in the nearby knobs that I don;t door knock.. Might stumble onto someone's still, pot garden or meth lab.. In either case it could lead to a very uncomfortable situation.. Those guys carry things that make my little .380 look like a pop gun.. :yes:

Excuses, excuses ... dang rouse ... just get a bigger gun you old fool, those folks need life insurance more than anybody!